string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
foreach (string line in lines)
// Process the 'line' here, e.g., identify instruction type, parse, and convert to machine code
RISC-V instructions are categorized into different types: R, U, I, B, S, and J. To determine the type of instruction, we’ll use a lookup table for opcodes, func2, and func7. You can find the lookup table in this
switch (opCode)
case (OpCode)0b0110011:
return InstructionType.R;
case (OpCode)0b0010111:
return InstructionType.U;
case (OpCode)0b0110111:
return InstructionType.U;
case (OpCode)0b0010011:
return InstructionType.I;
case (OpCode)0b1100011:
return InstructionType.B;
case (OpCode)0b0000011:
return InstructionType.I;
case (OpCode)0b0100011:
return InstructionType.S;
case (OpCode)0b1101111:
return InstructionType.J;
return InstructionType.Unknown;
You can find the implementation of this function in the
Now that we can identify the instruction type, let’s parse each instruction based on its type. We’ll start with the R-type instructions, which have the syntax: op rd, rs1, rs2
For example, the instruction add x10, x1, x2
can be parsed as follows:
Regex rTypeRegex = new Regex(@"^(\w+)\s+(\w+),\s+(\w+),\s+(\w+)$");
Match rTypeMatch = rTypeRegex.Match(instruction);
if (rTypeMatch.Success)
return new RiscVInstruction
Instruction = instruction,
Opcode = rTypeMatch.Groups[1].Value,
Rd = rTypeMatch.Groups[2].Value,
Rs1 = rTypeMatch.Groups[3].Value,
Rs2 = rTypeMatch.Groups[4].Value,
Immediate = null,
InstructionType = InstructionType.R
You can find the complete implementation of the R-type instruction parser in the
R type: .insn r opcode6, func3, func7, rd, rs1, rs2
| func7 | rs2 | rs1 | func3 | rd | opcode6 |
31 25 20 15 12 7 0
For example, the instruction add x10, x1, x2
is translated into 0000000000
, where:
string opcode = ((int)instruction.OpcodeBin).ToBinary(7);
string rdBinary = Convert.ToString(int.Parse(instruction.Rd.Substring(1)), 2).PadLeft(5, '0');
string func3 = ((int)instruction.Funct3).ToBinary(3);
string rs1Binary = Convert.ToString(int.Parse(instruction.Rs1.Substring(1)), 2).PadLeft(5, '0');
string rs2Binary = Convert.ToString(int.Parse(instruction.Rs2.Substring(1)), 2).PadLeft(5, '0');
string func7 = ((int)instruction.Funct7).ToBinary(7);
return new MachineCode($"{func7}{rs2Binary}{rs1Binary}{func3}{rdBinary}{opcode}", instruction.Instruction);
You can find the complete implementation of machine code generation in the
In this article, we’ve embarked on a journey to learn RISC-V assembly language by building an assembler in C#. We’ve covered the basics of reading RISC-V assembly code, identifying instruction types, parsing instructions, and converting them into machine code. This project serves as a valuable learning experience for understanding the inner workings of RISC-V assembly language and its translation into machine code. To delve deeper into the RISC-V architecture, refer to the
Here’s the GitHub repository link for the project where you can find the code for building a RISC-V assembler in C#:
In the next part of our RISC-V assembly language learning series, we will explore addressing modes, labels, and offsets, which are essential concepts for understanding and writing more complex assembly programs. Stay tuned for the next installment!