Photo by on To drive results, alignment and transparency I’ve been using as goal setting tool the now popular for about 3 years, in 3 different companies. And I have repeatedly found similar challenges when setting them. I would have loved to found stories of people facing similar difficulties and how they were dealing with them. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any. So I wanted to share my story in case someone is out there struggling like I was and may find some of this experience useful.
But every example you find is something like: “increase sales 10%” or “increase conversion 10%”.
But… Is that 10% against last month, same month last year, average monthly sales?How to make it better
Be very precise on the key result: “increase total sales 10% in the whole quarter versus same quarter last year”.
How to make it better
Again, be very precise on the key result: “increase 10% organic traffic conversion measured in the last week of the December as compared to the monthly average of December last year”. You can even say “in the first week of January” if you expect to deliver too late in the 4th quarter.
Two options to make things better
a) Giving all “contributing” teams the same goal. Instead of having “increase conversion 10%” for the product team and “increase sales 10%” for the marketing team, give both teams both goals.
b) Isolating major contributing factors to have goals that the team can feel in control of. For example, instead of having “increase conversion 10%” use “increase organic traffic conversion 10%”, where the product team efforts may be isolated from marketing traffic acquisition strategies.
Note: I prefer the first approach because it increases synergy and collaboration. For instance, marketing may start investing in a new traffic source and after seeing suboptimal conversion, they may work with the product team on making a new landing specific to this new users. The product team will understand the importance of making this traffic convert because they are also urged to increase sales since both share the same goals.
How to make it better
This is an area we are still struggling with. I do value area OKRs because they provide visibility for teams on how they are contributing to the “greater good”. Area goals may feel too abstract (“increase sales”) and no one is quite as accountable for them as team OKRs, but still provides a level of visibility that I believe to be helpful.
Something related happens with managers/directors. If you assign the area OKRs to them, they won’t probably contribute to all of those key results. And the outcomes of their particular contributions will not be measured against any KR. So I do like having personal OKRs in those cases.OKRs are supposed to be a mix of bottom-up and top-down, but that is easier said than done. I have never seen too much bottom-up traction when teams are initially introduced to OKRs. As teams gain seniority (in OKRs and the business in general) they organically start pushing more for the things they believe should be in the OKR list, achieving that bottom-up contribution.
How to make it better
This is what we do today: set initial high-level top-down OKRs, then let teams challenge their own KRs and also add objectives if there are other “outcomes the team want to focus on” not covered by the top-down OKRs. This will trigger the “should we focus on this or not” conversation, so you open the top-down vs bottom-up discussion in a very natural way.A key element of OKRs is achieving synergy throughout the efforts of the entire organization. In practice, this means that some areas will be driving some “OKR” requests to others.
For instance, let’s say that a particular business line has a growth key result. They will ask marketing to grow their investment. Likewise, marketing may request the product development team to build a new landing.This dynamic breaks the top-down vs bottom-up approach and brings a side-to-side OKR setting dynamic.
It usually works well enough (since we are all seeing the company goals and on what we are focusing). But a problem may arise when a team has already too many OKRs under their belt and they can’t commit to new ones. Should the requesting team drop their request or should the requested team remove an existing objective?How to make it better
In reality, this is a good conflict. It drives the conversation between teams about what is more important every team achieves for the organization. A good way to set a better stage for this conversation is to have all 3 teams working together in an OKR session. Maybe those 3 teams receive conflicting goals (ie — reducing marketing expenditure). But since they are on the same “working session” they will help each other achieve some balance and probably fight back together to the management team who set those conflicting goals and achieve a better overall company-wide result.
How to make it better
In the (highly recommended) article “Beyond Outcome vs Output” describes 8 levels of targets for a team, starting from “implement exactly this” to “Generate this long-term business outcome”.
I would argue you should never set OKRs at level 1 or 2 (solution specific) and you should move between levels 3 to 5, probably being 4 and 5 the best options.How to make it better
Being more granular. Let’s say you have a multicategory e-commerce site and your conversion rate is 2%. You may set the goal increase conversion rate to 2.5%. If that is the case, the team can do a myriad of things and each of them will probably have little impact. On the other hand, let’s say you identify a category that is underperforming with a 1% conversion rate. If you set the goal to “duplicate conversion rate for X category”, teams will be really motivated and focused in that particular piece of the product. This will leverage synergies (many teams working on that category) and changes will be more visible instead of hidden under the overall conversion.Note: I previously did an entire post on this one.
One of the most unmentioned factors of successful OKRs — Granularity_NOTE: This claim is merely based on my experience using OKRs on the last 3 years, and reading/watching a bunch of…
How to make it better
For “short & high priority” items I usually work with specifying the key result with a particular time frame. Suppose you saw an opportunity integrating a new payment method that will take about a month to complete. The key result may be “Achieve X% share of Y payment method in [Second month of the quarter]”. For longer efforts, you should strive to have some smaller milestone, that delivers a lower impact. Even when the “big” impact may occur the next quarter, I will still set key results that display the small value we can deliver sooner.b) When the only motivation to improve a process or practice is a KR, the practice gets lost as soon as the objective is removed. Furthermore, you risk a lack of understanding on why that process or practice is needed, undermining the possibility of a cultural or mindset shift (which is the case in the “improve experimentation” example).
How to make it better
This is another area I’m still struggling with. My current recommendation is to have only business-related OKRs at the team level. To encourage process & practices, use another type of evaluation like 1–1 feedback, and/or communities of practice (like the “chapters” model in a Spotify-like organization).By the way, one last big challenge is how to align monetary compensation (bonuses) to OKRs.
How to handle bonuses in an OKR world_I’ve been working with OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) for a while, and one of the problems I recurrently face is…
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