Rules of thumb when making a website on the wonderful . Based on two years of developing Craft-based websites for clients.
This is our opinionated list of principles for Craft CMS. Some are certainly contestable, some are just common sense, and some are the product of trial and error. These principles range from project management, code structuring, to the field and section structure within the Craft control panel.
1. Start the project with setting up developer, staging and production . This will make the launch way less stressful. 2. Start early with the information architecture. Work together with people who will be writing content to set up sections and fields. This will allow you to work with real content, and discover needs for features early.3. Don’t chase : try to work with graphic design, content and frontend development simultaneously.
4. If you feel the need for a matrix-block in a matrix-block, reconsider your information architecture. You’re probably doing it wrong. 5. If you make a “content”-matrix block, keep it simple by avoiding more than six block types.13. Debugging Craft: Have you introduced a PHP-error in the settings? Have you set the necessary .env-variables? Have you installed all the dependencies? Is there some difference between your development, staging and production enviroment? What do the logs say? Have you messed up the caching? Are you trying to access a field that isn’t there? Have you really read the error message? Have you read the documentation? Have you searched or asked in the ?
14. Singles are for unique pages with their own template, whose content isn’t used other places — typically frontpages for listing out channel entries and so on.
15. Channels are for structured content that either makes sense as a stream, or a group of similar content (e.g. news or products). Channels are also good for content that will be reused in several contexts.
16. Structures can be useful if you want to have a flexible hiearchy of content, where the hierarchy is important for managing the content.
17. Categories are mostly used for pure metadata and to connect content across sections.
18. Use primarily unique and channel sections. Avoid structures. We tend to not use structures because we prefer a and it’s prone to content entropy. 19. Some plugins make any Craft project easier: , , , , , / , and . ().What are your principles for projects on Craft CMS?