Learning how to program as an engineer or a student in engineering will help you build structural analyses and finite element tools that might become a startup company like Viktor.
We are going to be using a Python library called . anastructis a Python implementation of the 2D finite element method for structures. It allows you to do a structural analysis of frames and trusses. It helps you to compute the forces and displacements in the structural elements.
We are going to be computing and plotting the following:
pip install anastruct
from anastruct import SystemElements
We are now going to create our structural element object(ss) by instantiating our SystemElement class that we imported like this:
ss = SystemElements()
Now, we are going to use the add _element method from the systemElement class. What this does is add different members into a frame connected at nodes and the argument locations to add various spans or lengths of the members.
ss.add_element(location=[[0, 0], [0, 2]])
ss.add_element(location=[[0, 2], [0, 4]])
ss.add_element(location=[[0, 4], [3, 4]])
ss.add_element(location=[[3, 4], [4, 4]])
ss.add_element(location=[[4, 4], [6, 4]])
ss.add_element(location=[[6, 4], [7, 4]])
From the original question, We have two internal hinges at nodes 3(B) and 5(2). So, we are adding the internal hinges using the add_inernal_hinges method.
We add horizontal point load at node2 using the point_load method passing the node location, and the magnitude of the load as an argument. Also, for the other point load.
For the uniformly distributed using q_load method is used, and passing the element_id the load is acting on with the magnitude of the load q. The — sign in the load magnitude q signifies the load is acting downward.
We use the solve method to compute the reaction forces, bending stresses, shear forces, and axial forces of the frame.
We use the show_reaction_force method to plot the frame with the reaction forces at the supports:
We use the show bending moment method to plot the bending moment diagram of the frame.
To plot the shear force diagram, we use the show shearforce method. The Python plotting is on the left, and the diagram from the manual solution is on the right.
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