1. Create Product Value by Using Price Anchoring
is a tendency where an individual depends too heavily on an initial piece of information offered when making decisions.”Let’s be honest. In general, we do rely a lot on exterior information when making a decision. It’s no different when it comes to price.2. The Power of a Bundle Pricing Strategy
It’s no secret that customers want to get their hands on a good deal. When a customer has a feeling that he’s buying something at a cheaper price, he’s more willing to proceed with the purchase. That’s why bundle pricing is so handy.Let’s say you want to buy a PS4. Of course, the console itself it’s useless without the games. So it makes sense that you want to combine both products when making a purchase. That’s why stores usually offer bundle pricing for products that are naturally connected.Another similar strategy is called BOGO. BOGO stands for ‘Buy one, get one’. This pricing strategy benefits everyone. Customers love to get something for free, and retailers get the chance to get rid of products that were selling poorly.3. Similar Product s Shouldn’t Have the Same Price
It’s very interesting how the human brain works when it comes to pricing strategies. You would say that it makes sense to put the same price for the same ice cream, just with different flavors. But, the would disagree. The findings actually show that similar products are priced the same, only 46% of buyers made a purchase. However, when there was a small price change (the price for similar products differed by only $2) the willingness to buy increased up to 77%!How is this possible?Well, when the prices are the same, the buyers tend to think less about the product itself and focus only on the price. Conversely, when the prices differ, they have to think about the value as well, and not only about the price. In other words, the customers will start wondering what they actually like more, and is it worth the additional expense.How strange customer behavior can be, right?4. Visual Tricks used in Pricing Strategies
People are visual types. That means that you need to use some visual effect when presenting your prices. First, if you have a sale, then provide the new price besides the old, original one. Seeing the price difference makes buyers think that they’re making a better deal and your chances of making a sale rise. The aspects such as aren’t irrelevant either. If for example, the sale price has a smaller font then the original one, it’ll have a positive effect on the customer. It will be perceived as an even better option than it is, and the customer will be pushed into making a purchase.5. Psychological Effect on Prices
This pricing strategy is also called charm pricing. It means that different numbers have different effects on customers buying decisions. The most effective of them all is number 9.Why is that the case? shows that people have the tendency to connect the number 9 with the feeling of paying less. In other words, if the price ends with 9, a potential customer has a sense of a bargain, therefore, he’s more willing to proceed with the purchase. There is actually a term “pain of paying” showing that buyers experience some sort of pain when they come across prices that they think are too high.This is also called the “left-digit effect” meaning that customers find the prices ending with 9 more appealing than whole numbers.However, this pricing strategy is not so effective in every business. Let’s take luxury items as an example. There the smarter option would be to go with whole numbers (e.g. $2,000, not $1,999.99). Round prices are usually connected with the quality, and charm prices with value. Therefore, rounded prices aren’t for buyers who are seeking value and discounts, but for the ones who are more comfortable with spending the money.6. Audience’s Money Personality — What is That?
For sure you’ve heard about different types of personality. But, did you know that scientists have found different money personalities? What does that mean?Well, the findings show that people differ based on the fact of how willing they’re to spend money. Some of them are spenders, while others tend to be more strict with their money.Obviously, this is very important when creating a pricing strategy. You need to have a crystal clear image of who your customers are and how they behave.The Spender
This type enjoys spending money. They don’t buy things out of necessity, but out of desire. Therefore, they tend to go over the top with their spendings.The Saver
The Saver is the opposite of the Spender, so they keep a tight rein on their finances.The Shopper
Shoppers like to spend money as Spenders do, but they don’t tend to be so excessive. They love a good deal and are always in a hunt for a good bargain.The Investor
Investors don’t make risky moves with their money, and they don’t jump into impulsive shopping. They like to plan their finances and they try to put their money to good use.Summing it up
As you can see, numerous factors can have a strong impact on your business. Therefore, setting a pricing strategy is not easy at all. There isn’t a magic formula, so the best way to find out what would be the best solution for you is to test it. You should play around a bit with different hacks and strategies. Not all of them will work, but you’ll have a clearer image of what is the best choice for you.We hope that these hacks will help you achieve that goal. Try them out and share your experience with us in the comments below!