The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @ahyanahmincy's 2 stories for 1 days 4 hours and 1 minutes.
Christina Tkach, Investigation Analyst at Inca Digital
Jawwad Farid, I teach and write about startups and finance. 5 startups. 4 continents. 1 exit.
Karkuzhali Selvarajan, Postgraduate Theoretical Physicist. Science Enthusiast. Also interested in inducing existential blues, haha.
Rona Hirsch , Rona Hirsh is a DevOps/Full Stack Developer at Komodor, revolutionizing Kubernetes troubleshooting .
Akasha, Support "Artisans of Time" now on Artizen Fund //artizen.fund/index/p/artisans-of-time