The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @romansaltanov's 1 stories for 4 hours and 0 minutes.
Divya Rani, Backend Engineer @GitLab | Generation Google Scholar’19 | GSoC'2019 with CERN-HSF | Outreachy'17 @opendatakit
Fawad Khaliq, Kubernetes, ex-Amazon EKS ; @fawadkhaliq on Twitter
Marija Naumovska, Co-founder and Product Person in Microtica. In love with product development and startups.
Alon Valadji, A JavaScript enthusiast with a mentorship core and a 100% hands-on approach.
Sarafadeen Ibrahim Ayomide, Software technical writer. I write developer-focused (marketing) content. Oft in DevOps, K8s, IoT, Data E., etc.