However, from my experience cold emails without context will get low response rate. This is a step by step guide to get better leads, and early opinions on any project idea. "NICHE KEYWORD" GATEKEEPER POSITION "machine learning" developer
Google Results for machine learning developers with 8 million results
In example 1, we are searching for all developers that is relevant to machine learning. Which return over 8 million leads I could contact to get highly-relevant opinions on my machine learning project. This strategy can also be adopted and use for closing deals and getting leads on existing products.Just add 10-20 of the LinkedIn profiles, the more connected they are the more likely they will accept your request. Once they accept your request politely ask them to review your startup idea.From experience, a considerable amount of LinkedIn users accept connection requests within minutes. So you can validate your idea within "NICHE/KEYWORD"
This second operator searches for highly targeted LinkedIn accounts with a publicly available Gmail accounts instead. This can be modified for other popular email services such as Outlook or iCloud. "blockchain" @gmail
In example 2, we are searching everyone that has a public gmail address that is working with blockchain technology.
Google Results for blockchain technology with public gmail accounts
This time we only get 131 results, but these users are highly targeted. You should be able to validate any startup idea with this method.In your email always mention that you saw their email on LinkedIn. In my experience, majority of these contacts are okay with being approached this way. You should expect at least 50-60% response rate from the emails you send.