The Open Innovation Open Source License promotes the idea of technology being used in order to make the world a better place. Not only this, but also many problems people have in regards to many different open source hardware and software offerings are tackled by lots of the terminology of this license. This license is partially inspired by many companies wanting to release technology into the world commercially that can still be used by others. It also aims to be easier to incorporate in terms of just a license file, instead of what can eventually become thousands of headers.Outside of the OPNL license, an optional add-on to supplement it is the that Lonero and Stark Drones been working on. We may decide to also push this concept further in the near future. Open Innovation is a huge aspect to the spirit of innovation, especially when looking at crowdsourcing.
While, we are fans of proprietary tech, and know that even some things that we and other innovators do need to be proprietary, this still doesn't stop up as an organization from creating some things that don't need to be entirely closed.All in all, we want to push humanity forward. Outside of the , and , other technologies that works on and promotes also aims to be of great benefit in the future. This is a huge aspect to what it is really all about.