This approach has the following advantages:
- journal_1
- entry_1
- image_1
- entry_2
- image_1
- image_n
- entry_n
- journal_n
curl \
--request GET \
--url '//{journal_id}/entries/{entries_id}'
--header 'Authorization: {token_id}'
If in response to this endpoint status_code
is equal to 200, it means the user is authorized and has access to the journal. Accordingly, we will let them store images for this entry.
To avoid adding an extra table to the database, which we would need for storing which image belongs to which entry, we will use resources
from . This approach is used to simplify our infrastructure, but, if required, this step can be substituted for creating a new table in your database and writing an API for creating, modifying, and deleting data about the stored images. is open source and you can review the API documentation at the GitHub repository.
We will need an account and a team called myapp
(you can use any name in relation to your project) at the page, you should save this team’s ID for the next step (in our case it’s e6006d97-0551-4ec9-aabd-da51ee437909
Next, let’s create a Application for our team myapp through a curl request (the token can be generated at the page) and save it in the BUGOUT_ACCESS_TOKEN
curl \
--request POST \
--url '//' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $BUGOUT_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--form 'group_id=e6006d97-0551-4ec9-aabd-da51ee437909' \
--form 'name=myapp-images' \
--form 'description=Image uploader for myapp notes' \
| jq .
"id": "f0a1672d-4659-49f6-bc51-8a0aad17e979",
"group_id": "e6006d97-0551-4ec9-aabd-da51ee437909",
"name": "myapp-images",
"description": "Image uploader for myapp notes"
The ID f0a1672d-4659-49f6-bc51-8a0aad17e979
will be used for storing resources
, where every resource is the uploaded image’s metadata. The structure is set in any form depending on the required keys, in our case, it will look as follows:
"id": "a6423cd1-317b-4f71-a756-dc92eead185c",
"application_id": "f0a1672d-4659-49f6-bc51-8a0aad17e979",
"resource_data": {
"id": "d573fab2-beb1-4915-91ce-c356236768a4",
"name": "random-image-name",
"entry_id": "51113e7d-39eb-4f68-bf99-54de5892314b",
"extension": "png",
"created_at": "2021-09-19 15:15:00.437163",
"journal_id": "2821951d-70a4-419b-a968-14e056b49b71"
"created_at": "2021-09-19T15:15:00.957809+00:00",
"updated_at": "2021-09-19T15:15:00.957809+00:00"
As a result, we have a remote database of sorts, where every time we upload an image to an S3 bucket, we’ll be writing which journal(journal_id
) and which entry(entry_id
) the image was added to under which ID, name, and extension.
AWS will store images in an S3 bucket and function as a server on Lambda for image manipulation. We will need an AWS account and a configured IAM user for terraform. It is an account with Programmatic access
to all resources without having access to the web console:
To get the access keys, add these variables to your environment:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your_aws_terraform_account_access_key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_aws_terraform_account_secret_key>
file and launch the script:
terraform apply
From the output, add to your environment variables values for AWS_HATCHERY_VPC_ID
In our project, we’ll be using a simple AWS Lambda function. In my experience, I’ve noticed that as the packet with code surpasses 10MB, the upload speed to AWS drops dramatically. Even if we upload it to the S3 bucket in advance and then make a Lambda from it, AWS can lag for a long time. Therefore, if you are using third-party libraries it can make sense to use Lambda layers, whereas if you aren’t planning to use any libraries with lightweight code on CloudFront, consider looking into lambda@edge.
MY_APP_JOURNALS_URL = "//" # API эндпоинт для доступа к нашему приложению с заметками
BUGOUT_AUTH_URL = "//" # эндпоинт для записи ресурсов (метаданных картинок)
FILES_S3_BUCKET_NAME = "hatchery-files" # Название S3 bucket, где мы будем хранить картинки
FILES_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX = "dev" # Префикс S3 bucket, где мы будем хранить картинки
BUGOUT_APPLICATION_ID = os.environ.get("BUGOUT_FILES_APPLICATION_ID") # application ID созданный ранее
class BugoutResponseException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, status_code, detail=None) -> None:
self.status_code = status_code
if detail is not None:
self.detail = detail
To save an image in an S3 bucket we’ll use the cgi
standard library that’ll let us parse the request’s body that was sent in multipart/<image_type>
format. We’ll save images under the path {journal_id}/entries/{entry_id}/images/{image_id}
without specifying the file’s name and extension.
def put_image_to_bucket(
journal_id: str,
entry_id: str,
image_id: UUID,
content_type: str,
content_length: int,
decoded_body: bytes,
) -> None:
_, c_data = parse_header(content_type)
c_data["boundary"] = bytes(c_data["boundary"], "utf-8")
c_data["CONTENT-LENGTH"] = content_length
form_data = parse_multipart(BytesIO(decoded_body), c_data)
for image_str in form_data["file"]:
image_path = f"{FILES_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX}/{journal_id}/entries/{entry_id}/images/{str(image_id)}"
Body=image_str, Bucket=FILES_S3_BUCKET_NAME, Key=image_path
def get_image_from_bucket(journal_id: str, entry_id: str, image_id: str) -> bytes:
image_path = f"{FILES_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX}/{journal_id}/entries/{entry_id}/images/{image_id}"
response = s3.get_object(Bucket=FILES_S3_BUCKET_NAME, Key=image_path)
image = response["Body"].read()
encoded_image = base64.b64encode(image)
return encoded_image
The lambda_handler(event,context)
function’s implementation is available at this GitHub , to sum up:
and entry_id
we read, upload or delete an image from the journal’s entry
Next, we’ll need to package requests
into the Lambda library. Luckily, boto3
work with AWS functionality is ready out of the box. Let’s create an empty python environment, install the library and package the contents of site-packages
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install requests
cd .venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages
zip -r9 "" .
Place the created archive
into the files_distributor/bucket/modules/s3_bucket/files
directory and add the Lambda function itself:
zip -g -r
Our server is ready, now we can upload code to AWS and deploy Lambda server, to do so use the script in files_distributor/bucket
terraform apply
that stores the Lambda function codehatchery-files
that we’ll store our images into with the prefix dev
The IAM role rules are in files_distributor/bucket/modules/iam/files/iam_role_lambda_inline_policy.j son
. The other file iam_role_lambda_policy.json
is needed for the Lambda to function correctly.
To debug Lambda you can just print
the required values or use the standard logging
module for python. The output for every Lambda function call is available at AWS CloudWatch:
After creating the function, add a variable BUGOUT_FILES_APPLICATION_ID
from our code to the Lambda environment, which you can do in the tab Configuration/Environment variables
As the last step, save the AWS Lambda arn into the variable AWS_HATCHERY_LAMBDA_ARN
terraform apply \
-var hatchery_vpc_id=$AWS_HATCHERY_VPC_ID \
-var hatchery_sbn_public_a_id=$AWS_HATCHERY_SUBNET_PUBLIC_A_ID \
-var hatchery_sbn_public_b_id=$AWS_HATCHERY_SUBNET_PUBLIC_B_ID \
-var hatchery_lambda_arn=$AWS_HATCHERY_LAMBDA_ARN
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