This little tutorial assumes you have no prior knowledge, except how to work a keyboard, a mouse and click on buttons on the internet. But I hope this helps kickstart your web development journey :)Building and launching your own HTML based website has never been easier, thanks to some neat new features in , and this wonderful thing called . Best part is, your website isn’t going to be built on top of a platform or some sort of template. We’re going to use good ol’ HTML, the language of the web. You can build anything from a blue page with your name printed across it in a massive chunky font, to a fancy responsive website with classy animations and flying cats using all the magic tricks of the internet. No limitations. Pure awesomeness. Enough of all that, let’s get started, we only have 15 minutes! Follow along till the end of this article and you’ll have a website that looks like this. And then you can customize away— sky’s the limit!
Fancy website with your name in glowing yellow!
Click on the new repository button in Github and create a new project. I called my repo 15-min-me!
Create repository screen on Github
When you’re creating your repository, make sure you have “initialize this repository with a README” ticked. This will create and initialize your project for you. If you don’t do this, you’ll have to initialize the project yourself on your computer and then push your code to Github. And that kind of defeats the purpose of this “do it all in your web browser without knowing what on earth a git is” tutorial.
Great, if all goes well, we now have our project set up.Our entire file is going to be a single HTML file (for now). That’s quite neat right? The important thing is, our file has to be named index.html. This is because Github looks for a file with that name to use as our website. So, how do we create this file? We click on a button!
Simple as that. Name the new file index.html and then type in the code I have below. The code is super simple. The funny things that look like <this> are called HTML tags. More about them later. For now, just know that you open a tag like <this> and you close a tag like </this>. And everything between those two are the contents of the tag.
As you can see, we’ve put our name in twice. Once in the heading, inside a <title> tag and once inside the body, inside an <h1> tag. <h1> is a heading1 tag, and is used for enormous headings, like page titles. Or your name. The <title> tag sets the title of the web page, which is also displayed in as the heading of the tabs in your browser.
Now that we’ve typed that out, we need to save our file. In the world of Github, this is done by clicking the “commit” button. Commits help you track versions on your file, which is pretty convenient. So you can type in a little commit message to explain the changes you made to your file and then hit “Commit new file”. You can happily ignore all that stuff about branches and trees and forests for now.
You’ve gotten this far, great great job! You just have to tell Github to switch on “Github Pages” and your website will be on the internet. How cool is that. Click on the “settings” tab in your repository and scroll down to the Github Pages section. Select master branch as your source and hit save.
Boom! Your code (and therefore your name) is now on the internet :D :D
We could stop right here. Or… we could make things look a little nicer.
So what will it look like? Well simple enough, let’s commit this stuff in and then see what happens to our website! :) Click on the index.html file in the project and hit edit which is a little pen icon. Then commit away like you did before!