Feel free to repurpose any of this content to host your own workshops!
What you will learn:
# On Windows, download and run rustup-init.exe from // instead
# On Macs:
curl // -sSf | sh
rustup update nightly
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown —toolchain nightly
rustup update stable
cargo install —git //
git clone //
git fetch origin workshop:workshop
git checkout workshop
# [Optional] Once step 1 installations are completed
# Run the following commands to shorten future build time
cd /project_base_directory
cargo test -p utxo-runtime
This repo also contains an updated & complete Bitcoin implementation in the
branch (as a cheat), so make sure you check out the workshop
branch to start from scratch!Depending on your CPU, 1st-time Rust installations can take up to 10-20 minutes.Let’s use this time now for a crash course how Bitcoin works, as well as explore this developer SDK that we're using!Image source: //
Cryptography is the underlying mechanism that allows only Bob, and not anyone else, to spend his UTXOs.
This information is stored in one of each UTXO’s 3 fields:She creates a new transaction (gray background), supplies her UTXO as input to be spent, and in the
field, Alice provides her signature. Note: Alice is "signing over" the details of the entire transaction. This has the benefit of locking in the transaction output details, to prevent network level tampering. Later on, the blockchain will verify that Alice did indeed authorise all of the details of this entire transaction.We’ll cover the security implications in greater detail in Part 2, when you secure your blockchain against malicious attacks.In this tutorial, we’ll get very familiar with the transaction queue and runtime module layers
Let's start coding!cargo check -p utxo-runtime
# Don’t worry if this takes a while, just let it run!
# You should see a few warnings but no breaking errors
3. Open the
subdirectory, which houses the blockchain runtime. Then, open up
file, which is where you’ll build most of your Bitcoin UTXO logic.You’ll see a typical Substrate starter template, with inline comments that explain how to use the SDK. Further down, you should also see where you can write unit tests.
4. Right after dependency import lines, create the data structures needed to represent UTXOs and a UTXO transaction./// Single transaction to be dispatched
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Default, Clone, Encode, Decode, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct Transaction {
/// UTXOs to be used as inputs for current transaction
pub inputs: Vec<TransactionInput>,
/// UTXOs to be created as a result of current transaction dispatch
pub outputs: Vec<TransactionOutput>,
/// Single transaction input that refers to one UTXO
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Default, Clone, Encode, Decode, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct TransactionInput {
/// Reference to an UTXO to be spent
pub outpoint: H256,
/// Proof that transaction owner is authorized to spend referred UTXO &
/// that the entire transaction is untampered
pub sigscript: H512,
/// Single transaction output to create upon transaction dispatch
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Default, Clone, Encode, Decode, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct TransactionOutput {
/// Value associated with this output
pub value: Value,
/// Public key associated with this output. In order to spend this output
/// owner must provide a proof by hashing the whole `Transaction` and
/// signing it with a corresponding private key.
pub pubkey: H256,
For a more detailed walkthrough & line-by-line explanation of the above, check out .
5. Designate what gets stored on the blockchain chain-state. This is done inside a Rust macro called
. You'll be storing a hashmap of 256bit pointers to UTXOs as the key, and the UTXO struct itself as the value. Implement the following: decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Utxo {
/// All valid unspent transaction outputs are stored in this map.
/// Initial set of UTXO is populated from the list stored in genesis.
UtxoStore build(|config: &GenesisConfig| {
.map(|u| (BlakeTwo256::hash_of(&u), u))
}): map H256 => Option<TransactionOutput>;
/// Total reward value to be redistributed among authorities.
/// It is accumulated from transactions during block execution
/// and then dispersed to validators on block finalization.
pub RewardTotal get(reward_total): Value;
add_extra_genesis {
config(genesis_utxos): Vec<TransactionOutput>;
6. Create the transaction signatures that will allow users of your Bitcoin blockchain to spend UTXOs. Let's implement the
function: // External functions: callable by the end user
decl_module! {
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
fn deposit_event() = default;
/// Dispatch a single transaction and update UTXO set accordingly
pub fn spend(_origin, transaction: Transaction) -> DispatchResult {
// TransactionValidity{}
let transaction_validity = Self::validate_transaction(&transaction)?;
Self::update_storage(&transaction, transaction_validity.priority as u128)?;
7. Blockchains can also emit events whenever there are on-chain transactions. Set up your blockchain to recognize a
event type. decl_event!(
pub enum Event {
/// Transaction was executed successfully
For a more line-by-line explanation of the above, check out .
1. Let's now implement the
function to ensure these security checks. // "Internal" functions, callable by code.
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
pub fn validate_transaction(transaction: &Transaction) -> Result<ValidTransaction, &'static str> {
// Check basic requirements
ensure!(!transaction.inputs.is_empty(), "no inputs");
ensure!(!transaction.outputs.is_empty(), "no outputs");
let input_set: BTreeMap<_, ()> =transaction.inputs.iter().map(|input| (input, ())).collect();
ensure!(input_set.len() == transaction.inputs.len(), "each input must only be used once");
let output_set: BTreeMap<_, ()> = transaction.outputs.iter().map(|output| (output, ())).collect();
ensure!(output_set.len() == transaction.outputs.len(), "each output must be defined only once");
let mut total_input: Value = 0;
let mut total_output: Value = 0;
let mut output_index: u64 = 0;
let simple_transaction = Self::get_simple_transaction(transaction);
// Variables sent to transaction pool
let mut missing_utxos = Vec::new();
let mut new_utxos = Vec::new();
let mut reward = 0;
// Check that inputs are valid
for input in transaction.inputs.iter() {
if let Some(input_utxo) = <UtxoStore>::get(&input.outpoint) {
), "signature must be valid" );
total_input = total_input.checked_add(input_utxo.value).ok_or("input value overflow")?;
} else {
// Check that outputs are valid
for output in transaction.outputs.iter() {
ensure!(output.value > 0, "output value must be nonzero");
let hash = BlakeTwo256::hash_of(&(&transaction.encode(), output_index));
output_index = output_index.checked_add(1).ok_or("output index overflow")?;
ensure!(!<UtxoStore>::exists(hash), "output already exists");
total_output = total_output.checked_add(output.value).ok_or("output value overflow")?;
// If no race condition, check the math
if missing_utxos.is_empty() {
ensure!( total_input >= total_output, "output value must not exceed input value");
reward = total_input.checked_sub(total_output).ok_or("reward underflow")?;
// Returns transaction details
Ok(ValidTransaction {
requires: missing_utxos,
provides: new_utxos,
priority: reward as u64,
longevity: TransactionLongevity::max_value(),
propagate: true,
Oof that's a lot. To get a line by line explanation of what's going on, check out
2. In part 1, we assumed the use of a few internal helper functions. Namely the step where we actually update the blockchain storage, when our transactions are validated. In the same
impl<T: Trait> Module<T>
scope, do the following:/// Update storage to reflect changes made by transaction
/// Where each utxo key is a hash of the entire transaction and its order in the TransactionOutputs vector
fn update_storage(transaction: &Transaction, reward: Value) -> DispatchResult {
// Calculate new reward total
let new_total = <RewardTotal>::get()
.ok_or("Reward overflow")?;
// Removing spent UTXOs
for input in &transaction.inputs {
let mut index: u64 = 0;
for output in &transaction.outputs {
let hash = BlakeTwo256::hash_of(&(&transaction.encode(), index));
index = index.checked_add(1).ok_or("output index overflow")?;
<UtxoStore>::insert(hash, output);
As well as
: // Strips a transaction of its Signature fields by replacing value with ZERO-initialized fixed hash.
pub fn get_simple_transaction(transaction: &Transaction) -> Vec<u8> {//&'a [u8] {
let mut trx = transaction.clone();
for input in trx.inputs.iter_mut() {
input.sigscript = H512::zero();
// This function basically just builds a genesis storage key/value store according to our desired mockup.
// We start each test by giving Alice 100 utxo to start with.
fn new_test_ext() -> sp_io::TestExternalities {
let keystore = KeyStore::new(); // a key storage to store new key pairs during testing
let alice_pub_key = keystore.write().sr25519_generate_new(SR25519, Some(ALICE_PHRASE)).unwrap();
let mut t = system::GenesisConfig::default()
GenesisConfig {
genesis_utxos: vec![
TransactionOutput {
value: 100,
pubkey: H256::from(alice_pub_key),
// Print the values to get GENESIS_UTXO
let mut ext = sp_io::TestExternalities::from(t);
This function builds a genesis storage key/value store according to the code we wrote back in step 1 during
. We simply start each test by giving Alice a UTXO of value 100 to start spending.2. Write a simple unit test, testing a simple transaction #[test]
fn test_simple_transaction() {
new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
let alice_pub_key = sp_io::crypto::sr25519_public_keys(SR25519)[0];
// Alice wants to send herself a new utxo of value 50.
let mut transaction = Transaction {
inputs: vec![TransactionInput {
outpoint: H256::from(GENESIS_UTXO),
sigscript: H512::zero(),
outputs: vec![TransactionOutput {
value: 50,
pubkey: H256::from(alice_pub_key),
let alice_signature = sp_io::crypto::sr25519_sign(SR25519, &alice_pub_key, &transaction.encode()).unwrap();
transaction.inputs[0].sigscript = H512::from(alice_signature);
let new_utxo_hash = BlakeTwo256::hash_of(&(&transaction.encode(), 0 as u64));
assert_ok!(Utxo::spend(Origin::signed(0), transaction));
assert_eq!(50, UtxoStore::get(new_utxo_hash).unwrap().value);
// need to manually import this crate since its no include by default
use hex_literal::hex;
const ALICE_PHRASE: &str = "news slush supreme milk chapter athlete soap sausage put clutch what kitten";
const GENESIS_UTXO: [u8; 32] = hex!("79eabcbd5ef6e958c6a7851b36da07691c19bda1835a08f875aa286911800999");
4. Run your test in the console with
cargo test -p utxo-runtime
And your test should pass, meaning your basic UTXO blockchain is done!Stuck at this point? Check out for what your current implementation might look like.
In this section, you’ll change how your network prioritizes incoming transactions & handles an annoying UTXO race condition that Bitcoin experiences. Specifically, you'll learn how to change the blockchain transaction queueing logic without much code.
Consider the following race condition, where Alice sends Bob her UTXO A, creating a new UTXO B belonging to Bob.What’s happening behind the scenes is that Alice's transaction starts propagating across the nodes in the network:Nodes that heard from Bob but not from Alice yet, will reject his transaction since UTXO B doesn’t yet exist in their blockchain state. But Bob’s transaction IS valid, so this error due to this race condition is not ideal.
Ideally, we can queue up valid transactions a network pool and wait until prerequisite conditions are satisfied.1. Luckily Substrate enables a single API call for you to change transaction ordering logic. Configure the
trait as follows: impl sp_transaction_pool::runtime_api::TaggedTransactionQueue<Block> for Runtime {
fn validate_transaction(tx: <Block as BlockT>::Extrinsic) -> TransactionValidity {
// Extrinsics representing UTXO transaction need some special handling
if let Some(&utxo::Call::spend(ref transaction)) = IsSubType::<utxo::Module<Runtime>, Runtime>::is_sub_type(&tx.function) {
match <utxo::Module<Runtime>>::validate_transaction(&transaction) {
// Transaction verification failed
Err(e) => {
return Err(TransactionValidityError::Invalid(InvalidTransaction::Custom(1)));
// Race condition, or Transaction is good to go
Ok(tv) => { return Ok(tv); }
// Fall back to default logic for non UTXO::execute extrinsics
1. Step into the
subdirectory now, and find the
file. 2. In
function, append the following configuration to set-up your testnet with seed data / UTXOs.// Dev mode genesis setup
fn testnet_genesis(
initial_authorities: Vec<(AuraId, GrandpaId)>,
root_key: AccountId,
endowed_accounts: Vec<AccountId>,
endowed_utxos: Vec<sr25519::Public>,
_enable_println: bool) -> GenesisConfig
GenesisConfig {
system: Some(SystemConfig {
code: WASM_BINARY.to_vec(),
changes_trie_config: Default::default(),
utxo: Some(utxo::GenesisConfig {
genesis_utxos: endowed_utxos
utxo::TransactionOutput {
value: 100 as utxo::Value,
pubkey: H256::from_slice(x.as_slice()),
3. In
fn load
, make sure to also include the genesis set of public keys that should own these UTXOs. // Genesis set of pubkeys that own UTXOs
# Initialize your Wasm Build environment:
# Build Wasm and native code:
cargo build --release
./target/release/utxo-workshop --dev
# If you already modified state, run this to purge the chain
./target/release/utxo-workshop purge-chain --dev