And, which set of tasks from these should you be practicing at a time? The ones you're bad (relatively worse) at.Taking this from the essay on , the best way to optimise consistency is to prioritize the things which you're worse at, or where you can have improvement.Breaking this down for myself, let's take the example of the act of writing itself. I started writing by publishing larger articles to publications. These used to be code-heavy articles and so used to take 1-2 months to write, edit and publish. However, I figured out rather than writing for someone else I wanted to write to grow my own audience.The first problem was that writing articles weekly was difficult for me. So, I initially started with writing an article every 2 weeks, I could pick up ideas throughout the week, experiment with them a bit and then write at the end of 2 weeks.However, for a newsletter (which is what I'm aiming at growing), a weekly model makes more sense to keep your readers engaged, and also keep your writing muscles trained. My problem with writing weekly was that I couldn't find the words to think about at the end of the week, when you are generally in a relaxed mood and might only be in the mood of chilling. (There are benefits of not ending your week with "nothing", as explained by .)So, to break this habit down, I currently write only 200 words every day. This is a tiny enough habit that by the time I'm done with 200 words, I already have the next 200 words thought of, and they just flow onto the page.
I also automatically stopped procrastinating when I tried to achieve only the bare minimum every day.
The other way to stop procrastinating is turning off the internet, which no-one tells you about. - And so, that's how I'm applying consistency for writing.Also published at