Pipe in Angular is a data processing element which is used in a presentation layer (in a template). All pipes must implement PipeTransform interface. PipeTransform interface contains a method called “transform()” which is invoked by Angular with a value passed as a first argument and optional parameters as a second argument.
Pipes can be joined into a set of pipes. In such case output of the previous pipe will be input for the next one.{{item.count | shortNumber}} is an example of how pipe may be used in your templates to change item.count representation.
Task: Display text “1.5M” instead of 1500000 in the view.
Solution: generate custom pipe and implement short number functionality.
A command to generate new shortNumber pipe in pipes/ directory:
ng generate pipe pipes/shortNumber
The command above creates pipes/short-number.pipe.ts file and registers ShortNumberPipe in modules declarations.
// short-number.pipe.ts
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
name: 'shortNumber'
export class ShortNumberPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, args?: any): any {
return null;
ShortNumberPipe class must implement PipeTransform interface which is common interface for all Angular pipes.
PipeTransform interface requires single transform() method to be implemented. See short number functionality implementation below.
transform(value: any, args?: any): any {
if (value === null) return null;
if (value === 0) return "0";
var fractionSize = 1;
var abs = Math.abs(value);
var rounder = Math.pow(10, fractionSize);
var isNegative = value < 0;
var key = '';
var powers = [{ key: "Q", value: Math.pow(10, 15) }, { key: "T", value: Math.pow(10, 12) }, { key: "B", value: Math.pow(10, 9) }, { key: "M", value: Math.pow(10, 6) }, { key: "k", value: 1000 }];
for (var i = 0; i < powers.length; i++) {
var reduced = abs / powers[i].value;
reduced = Math.round(reduced * rounder) / rounder;
if (reduced >= 1) {
abs = reduced;
key = powers[i].key;
return (isNegative ? '-' : '') + abs + key;
In the example above “Q” stands for quadrillion, “T” — trillion, “B” — billion, “M” — million, “k” — kilo.
And hardcoded fractionSize defines the precision of rounding numbers. You are welcome to adjust it to your needs.
<span class=”cnt-wrap”>{{1500000 | shortNumber}}</span>
As your homework, make shortNumber pipe parametrised. For instance, you can do this with a fractionSize passed as an argument. Take a look in the docs for help.
After the changes, {{1520000 | shortNumber:2}} must produce 1.52M (fractionSize is set to 2).
Tip: before starting a new pipe, check for existing one in ! However, the list of available pipes isn’t big yet.
Hopefully, this article was useful! Thanks for reading!Previously published at //