The Block:
This is the first part of the BEM. It can stand on its own. It is usually the parent name. In simple terms, your codes for a particular class should be named using Blocks. Blocks can interact with each other but they do not supersede each other.They are independent and can stand on their own. Block names could be in Latin letters, digits and dashes. To make it a CSS class, you have to add the block as a short prefix for name spacing.For example, if you want to name your code with a block, you would use something like “.name”. Let’s say for example I want to make a code and I want the code to be named cups in CSS, I would add the block:.cups { }
(.block { })
<button class=”btn”></button>
.btn { }
The Element:
Great! we have given our codebase a name. Now we want to add other variables that are dependent on the block. We can do this by adding an element.An element is a child of the block. That is the block is higher in the hierarchy than the element and any codebase that is under the element is controlled by the block. Let’s use the block we have added before in CSS named Cups. If we want to add some dependent elements like – let’s say, mugs and tumblers.We can do this by making them children of the block which in this case is named Cups. Here is how we would write that in CSS – We would have to put two underscores after the block name before we input the elements. Like this:.cups__mugs { }
.cups__tumblers { }
.block__element { }
<figure class="photo">
<img class="photo__img" src="me.jpg">
<figcaption class="photo__caption">Look at me!</figcaption>
.photo { } /* Specificity of 10 */
.photo__img { } /* Specificity of 10 */
.photo__caption { } /* Specificity of 10 */
The modifiers:
Now we have a block as a name and we have two elements which depend on the block. Now we may need to change the appearance of the block or to change the feature of the block.Adding a modifier to the block will change the block in some way. For example, if we want the cup to be modified by the word “orange” we can add orange as a modifier.We can do this by adding two hyphens in front of the block name (cups in this case) and then add the modifier which is orange. An example of this in CSS is:.cups--orange { }
.block--modifiers { }
.cups--hidden { }
.cups--orange .cups__mug { }
.block--modifiers .block__element { }
.cup__mug--big { }
.block__element--modifiers { }
<button class="btn btn--secondary"></button>
.btn {
display: inline-block;
color: blue;
.btn--secondary {
color: green;
Putting it together:
We have given you a look at how to add different parts of the Block Element modifier (BEM) separately. But we have to bring everything together so it makes more sense to you. So, if we were to write the BEM at once in CSS it will look something like this:.cups { }
.cups__mugs { }
.cups__tumblers { }
.cups--orange { }
.cups--hidden { }
.cups--orange .cups__mug { }
.cups__mug--big { }
What we have done is this, we created a block by the name Cups. We then added two elements which are children of the block which are mug and tumbler. We then modified Cups by giving them the attributes orange and hidden.Next, we modified the element mug so it can express the orange the same way its parent – cups – does. Next, we decided to give the element mug to have its own unique attribute which is “big”.So, in summary, the block which is cups controls the element which is mug and is altered by modifiers like orange and hidden. The modifier orange affects the cups and the mug while hidden affects just the cups. The modifier big affects just the mug. That is the summary of how a block element modifier works.