Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE, Bluetooth LE, also known as Bluetooth Smart) is a form of wireless PAN technology that can be used to transfer data between devices using radio waves.
The explosive growth in connected consumer electronics and the release of LE Audio will see an increase in annual shipments of Bluetooth LE devices over the next five years.According to the , annual shipments of Bluetooth-enabled devices will reach 7 billion units by 2026.
BLE protocol stack architecture
PHY - or Physical Layer, which is in charge of the actual transmission and receipt of information over the air using radio waves.
BLE transmits data on the non-licensed 2.4 GHz band at a speed of 1 Mbps. The information is transmitted using Gaussian Frequency-Shift Keying (GFSK) through discrete changes in the frequency of the carrier signal. This form of modulation makes it possible to save battery power, as it involves the use of radio power amplifiers. GFSK also provides for the use of cheaper and less accurate transmission components since the circuit does not need to perform significant out-of-channel filtering.
The Link Layer (LL) is an interface for a physical layer. It deals with monitoring the RF (Radio Frequency) state of the device and is also in charge of the formation of anchor points, turning on the physical channel, and the length of the packets. The LL has two types of packets: advertising and data packets. The advertising packet is transmitted through 3 advertising channels, and the data packet is transmitted through 37 data channels.
HCI (Host Controller Interface) provides communication between the host and the controller. HCI is implemented through either a software API or a hardware interface (UART, SPI, or USB).
All profiles and applications run on top of the GAP and GATT layers.GAP (Generic Access Profile) manages connections and advertising.
Devices can communicate in two ways: advertisement mode (broadcasting) and connection mode.
In the BLE advertising mode, peripheral devices send a relatively small amount of information at regular intervals without being able to receive any information in return. So do beacons in retail outlets and public places. Any BLE-enabled device, such as smartphones or tablets, can receive information from nearby BLE beacons. Advertising messages from retail chains appear on the smartphone screen. The method is not secure because the data is passed to any application that knows the beacon’s UUID (Universal Unique Identifier).The features of this communication method can also be attributed to saving the energy of the peripheral device. The ability to connect to a device is not always enabled. The advertising package is sent at certain intervals. This way, the peripheral device is not always in standby mode, and significant battery savings are achieved.BLE beacons are used in many areas: for advertising purposes, as part of BLE positioning and location tracking systems, and as a transmission link between other devices and the server.
BLE broadcast mode
The use of GATT (Generic ATTribe Profile) services and characteristics is possible after a connection between two objects is established. The connected mode allows two devices to communicate and privately share much more data. Two objects can exchange information in both directions.
BLE connection mode
GAP defines the roles of devices in interaction as central (clients) or peripheral devices.
We use this method when we link a fitness tracker to a smartphone. Once the connection is made, data exchange begins.Peripherals are most often beacons, smart watches, sensors, heart rate monitors, fitness trackers, etc.
Central devices generally have more power and memory and can process and combine information from several devices to provide it to the user in a summarized form. Usually, these are tablets, smartphones, and computers.
GATT defines the procedures and formats for transmitting data over BLE.All standard BLE profiles are based on GATT, with a unified structure that enables interoperability between devices from different vendors.GATT is based on an attribute protocol, where data is organized into services. A service is a specific hardware feature of a Bluetooth device. For example, temperature-related sensor values or battery indicators are grouped into separate services.
Hierarchy of GATT Profiles
A service has one or more characteristics. The number of services and characteristics is determined by the tasks of the device. The characteristic reflects the internal state of the BLE device. A characteristic can have one or several descriptors. Each service, feature, and descriptor is identified by a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Attributes store data related to services and characteristics.
Characteristics also provide various permissions that are used to determine the client's ability to interact with the characteristic: read, write, notify, or indicate. Permissions determine whether the attributes can be read or written; whether they can send notifications or indications; and what levels of access are required for each of these operations. These permissions are not defined by the Attribute Protocol (ATT) and cannot be read through it. They are defined at the top level (GATT or application layer).
The application developer primarily interacts with the API provided by the operating system or the chipset SDK, which abstracts away many questions related to BLE configuration.Applications for BLE devices can be native and cross-platform by belonging to the operating system.
Major mobile and desktop platforms like iOS, Android, Linux, macOS, and Windows support BLE. Each platform has a BLE app development service - a set of native applications and associated SDKs for creating applications for interacting with BLE devices.QML makes development fast and easy by saving code. Acting as a wrapper for building Qt BLE, the Bluetooth LE QML API allows you to quickly and easily build and integrate desktop, mobile, or embedded applications into any BLE-enabled device.
Qt Bluetooth supports the development of BLE-related software on the client/central device side.Starting with Qt 5.7, an additional API for the server/peripheral part is provided as a technology preview.We have developed a Qt application for iOS and Android to collect information from numerous detectors and sensors installed on agricultural machines and storage facilities via BLE. Internet data transmission was also possible, but not always feasible due to intermittent and slow Internet connections.A special Qt class is necessary when developing an application that involves the use of several communication protocols. This class serves as a buffer for receiving data, while the internal implementation is created separately for each communication protocol. Creating a custom class is a complex and time-consuming application implementation option.To fully implement the functionality of the cross-platform application, it was necessary to register additional services in the GATT protocol of BLE peripheral devices and assign a unique number to each of the objects for incoming data arrangement. The simple and intuitive interface of the application makes it possible to visualize data on temperature, humidity, and other quantitative indicators.A cross-platform application for our BLE-related project.
On the client/central device side, the Qt BLE API is responsible for connecting to peripheral devices, discovering their services, as well as reading and writing characteristics and descriptors stored on the device. On the server/peripheral side, the API provides the ability to configure and advertise services, and receive notifications when a client writes a characteristic.The toolkit provides a standard Qt BLE library, which contains the necessary tools for BLE interaction.BLE peripherals, such as heart rate monitors and pressure or humidity sensors, have a standardized communication protocol provided by the built-in Qt BLE library. Working with user devices includes actions related to the communication protocol construction. In addition to specifying other points, the protocol describes how many bytes the header and the message body will have. The Qt BLE data comes into the QByteArray internal class, which manages buffer memory. The Qt tools allow us to work comfortably with this class without data conversion.Communication protocols are created for specific devices. One of our projects involved building the BLE receiver that would serve as an intermediate link between a device, provided by the customer, and a smartphone with a client application. The protocol’s peculiarity was that more than a hundred parameters needed to be transmitted via BLE. Our Qt developers have built the cross-platform mobile application, the BLE receiver, and the protocol for communication between devices from scratch. The application acted as a client, initiating a connection and data exchange.In another agriculture-related project, a small number of features will be broadcast by the peripheral, so the client application will receive data in advertising mode. The peripheral device serves as a BLE beacon in this case. There is no need to implement a protocol. Small pieces of data will be written by the peripheral one after another to the array and read by the application.BLE broadcast mode entails applying the Qt BLE library without creating a communication protocol.BLE advertising mode in our agriculture-related project
The most time-consuming stages of Qt application development are protocol creation and internal logic implementation. The transport layer (i.e., BLE) does not affect the app's internal logic, adding the stages of searching for and determining the device and, possibly, the GUI part.
Establishing a Connection
We use the QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent class to discover the peripheral device.We need to select LE devices when filtering by device type in the receiving slot.To get the QBluetoothAddress of the peripheral, we use the QLowEnergyController class. Now we set up regular slots and connect directly to the device.The search session for a peripheral device does not last continuously but ends after a short period. The search can be restarted manually. The device search session usually lasts 20-30 seconds, and the object is not always found the first time.Service Discovery
By performing service discovery, the GATT client learns about the server's attributes. Once the connection is established, the application uses the QLowEnergyController to initiate a service searching process.Created after service discovery, the QLowEnergyService class provides access to information about Bluetooth Low Energy services. QLowEnergyService helps quickly discover and provide information about the service. It gives permission to read and write data and makes notifications of data changes. After completing this procedure, the client can read and write the attributes that are on the server.Interaction with the Peripheral Device
Depending on the specifics, the application may contain notifications about changes to some standardized characteristics. The QLowEnergyCharacteristic class gives information about the characteristics of the Bluetooth Low Energy service: name, UUID, value, properties, handle, and descriptors. To get such information, we should apply QLowEnergyService and QLowEnergyController to connect to the device. Furthermore, the characteristic value is processed according to Bluetooth Low Energy standards.Advertising Services
When creating a GATT server application on a remote device, a list of services that will be offered and advertised to clients/central devices must be defined. The QLowEnergyAdvertisingData class passes a set of data that will be introduced to clients as either an advertising service package or a scan response package. After this step, peripheral devices are available for clients to connect to.Creating a Service on the Peripheral Device
First, we need to define the service along with its characteristics and descriptors using the QLowEnergyServiceData, QLowEnergyCharacteristicData, and QLowEnergyDescriptorData classes. Essentially, these classes are containers for information that needs to be specified.The QLowEnergyDescriptorData class is needed to get the GATT service data. A descriptor offered by the QLowEnergyDescriptorData should be added to the QLowEnergyCharacteristicData.Both QLowEnergyServiceData and QLowEnergyAdvertisingData have somewhat similar information but serve different purposes. Advertising information displayed on devices is usually brief and limited in size. The QLowEnergyServiceData class gives the complete information available to the client after establishing a connection with service discovery.The same algorithm for connecting BLE devices is used to update the characteristics and values of descriptors on the remote device.Originally published .