“Standardisation of tools and practices between teams make it easier for new people to hit the ground running regardless of where they are based. Each team can customise as they see fit.”
Additionally, on the startup there is a clear link to vital resources, in a structured and coherent manner on all key aspects from getting started with the tools, to the on boarding process.
Jack will get paired up with an experienced employee to walk through the testing and development process’s that he will adopt in his daily work. Jack starts by coding on his local machine for development work. This is the VM (Virtual Machine) and was spun up in conjunction with configuration management tools such as puppet or ansible to ensure that all the required software, installs and resources were present. This also means the set up process is completely idempotent i.e. runs the same on all machines, every time.
More so, Jack’s machine is almost identical to the production live environment, he is able to run and test code locally - this means he can make changes to production-like code without having to infringe on active development code. This also reduces potential strain on shared resources and the developers actively working on changes.
Prior to main branch deployment, BetaNova engineers can achieve a good degree of confidence by running a suite of local unit and functional tests. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, the team can either test their changes against a server ‘production-clone’ (a Jenkins or Octopus cluster) which is almost identical to live. This also allows them to adopt continuous integration, all this without committing to the master branch (route to live). At this point the engineers have an even further boosted degree of confidence that their change is clean.
“The difference between Change and Version driven continuous integration is only dictated by the technology. It is akin to choosing between wet and dry tyres - it depends entirely upon the terrain.”
For traditional COBOL, Assembler and PL1 developers, code synchronisation is governed more rigidly. Continuous integration is not based on the latest changes but rather it is initiated when there is agreement between all interconnected components that they have the same version. This acts as a procedural safety net, preventing a new small superfluous change taking precedence over a structured coordinated deployment of components that have successors and dependencies.
For the uninitiated the opposing philosophy (change vs Version driven) can appear completely alien and perplexing however for the veteran DevOps specialist, this is simply a change in the position at where the continuous integration kicks off. As in both cases, the code movement should be fully automated with the same standard for code quality adopted. It is effectively the difference between choosing wet or dry tyres, in that it depends on the terrain.
BetaNova’s automated CI process takes in and around 5 to 15 minutes to deploy fully from start to finish. At any point during the CI if the deployments or tests fail, ample reports are available with monitoring tools that are not restricted to production in visibility. Additionally, developers are encouraged to add resolutions and fix history to a centralised repository that the whole team use. This means that when ops are called out in the early hours they will have a go to resource for known standard fixes - this can save hours of investigation every week.**“Developers document all the fixes to standard problems and known issues in a centralised repository. This means that when ops are called out in the early hours they will have a goto resource for all known standard fixes - this can save hours of investigation every week.”
Depending on the companies commitment to code quality they can also integrate code scanning tools like SonarQube to catch both syntactic and functional human errors - even things as advanced as datatype mismatch can be caught. Additionally, BetaNova fosters a blameless environment culture, where senior engineers can occasionally pull code to ask for spot checks. Newer colleagues and junior members are partnered and skilled up but more importantly are encouraged to be a part of that process as early as possible as to prevent the feeling of ‘elitist programming’.
“Team leaders and seniors should lead by example to foster a team of true equals. There should be no favouritism and technical silos should be discouraged.”
DevOps works best when integrated with a progressive agile framework. For example, both junior and new colleagues are actively guided in the DevOps culture, and those showing passion and interest are supported from the top to grow and are acknowledged for their contributions. This can involve local team awards - from gift vouchers to recognition, as to dissuade the trend of the bell curve favouritism.
The reason for this is, DevOps is not married to a specific technology or stack, as such the total number of possible problems scale with the complexity of tech employed. There is no ‘done’ point at which a DevOps engineer can consider themselves masters for all time, the value metric isn’t what you know, rather it’s more focused on how you learn, adapt and apply continuous improvement principles.
Also published here.