Given two large numbers, a and b, we have to find their product c such that c is
. Numbers can have a large number of digits. Consider numbers to be represented as an array where the least significant digit is at the lowest index of the array. Each index of the array can hold an integer from 0 to 9 only. With the task now defined clearly, we can formally start working on the problem and slowly form the solution proposed by Karatsuba.The addition of two numbers having n digits each (consider 0 paddings if one of the numbers has fewer digits) can be easily performed using the school addition method. Here we go from least significant digit to most significant digit, taking the carry each time we add numbers at the same significance level. It should not be difficult to digest if the addition method takes O(n) complexity.
Multiplication of two numbers, each having n digits (again consider 0 paddings if one of the numbers has fewer digits), is performed by the grid method. The first step is to create the grid, which is going over each digit of the first number and performing multiplication with all digits of the other number. Thus making the grid takes
times itself. Once the grid is completed, we have to perform the last addition of adding all the rows. Since we have n rows and at max 2n+1
cols, the time to solve the problem would be O(n*n)
. Thus the multiplication method taught in school is of order 2, which is not the fastest way.So now we have reduced the problem of multiplication of two numbers, each containing N digits, to the problem of multiplying four numbers of size
each. Note that addition is not the bottleneck since it is a linear time algorithm. Also, note that multiplication by a power of 10 means appending 0s at the end of the array, which is again linear. Thus the main work is done in finding out the four products which are present in the equation. Unfortunately, this does not improve over the naive way of performing the multiplication using the grid method. Using Master's theorem, we can find this solution's time complexity, which is the same as
.Thus the problem is now solvable using three multiplications of size N/2. Additions are never a bottleneck, and thus the blocking operation is the calculating those three products. Using the Master's theorem, the time complexity of this new algorithm is
. And this way of performing multiplication is known as Karatsuba multiplication.