Rianke KrugelFeb 16, 2021, 9:44 PM
I'll just add that in addition to some of the things mentioned above; I truly believe that love is also a conscious decision. Not necessarily only the 'I'm going / want to love this person', but perhaps more 'I'm not going to (fall in) love (with) this person'. That's my lived experience, at least.
Being CF by choice has me arguing for the former part of your posed statetion (statement-question, boom!), but also not independently. I do think that we make many micro-decision while rising in love with someone, and these might be consciously or unconsciously.
Lastly, I'll add that a friend told me long ago that not all (romantic) love has to be(come) physical love. I mean this beyond the a-sexual / a-romantic sphere; to me it means that sometimes you might end up loving someone, yet, at the same time, accepting that your (collective?) love will remain confined to a certain space in your lives, and that is okay. Love =/= instant gratification.