(1) Tinghui Ouyang, National Institute of Informatics, Japan ([email protected]);
(2) Isao Echizen, National Institute of Informatics, Japan ([email protected]);
(3) Yoshiki Seo, Digital Architecture Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan ([email protected]).
Description and Related Work of OOD Detection
Conclusions, Acknowledgement and References
where score(·) is defined as the numeric calculation of describing a data based on a specific structural characteristic mentioned above. f(·) is the function for feature learning, e.g., kernel learning in OC-SVM and SVDD [19], deep feature learning, etc. Thus, representative features can replace the original data for better data description and OOD study. The function SM(·) is the statistical measure of the select structural characteristic, which usually calculate the difference or similarity between testing data x and the training dataset DT , e.g., KD, MD, kNN, and LOF.
3) k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)
The idea of kNN in outlier detection is similar to that of KD and MD. It mainly calculates the kNN distance and uses it for the OOD score directly, as defined below
where, Nk(xt) represents the k-nearest neighbors of xt. It is seen that kNN utilizes the Euclidean distance instead of the kernel distance in KD. Moreover, kNN considers the local distance as the OOD score instead of the global distance in KD and MD. Similarly, if the score of a testing data point is high, the data is assumed as OOD data.
LOF also makes use of the local characteristic instead of the global characteristic. It describes the relative density of the testing data with respect to its neighborhood. Its calculation is first to find k-nearest neighbors of the testing data xt, then to compute the local reachability densities of xt and all its neighbors. The final score is the average density ratio of xt to its neighbors, as expressed below.
where, lrd(·) is the local reachability density function, d is the distance function. Then, under the assumption that OOD data are drawn from a different distribution than normal data, so OOD data have larger local reachability density, namely higher LOF scores.
where, θ is a given threshold for OOD detection.