Platform: Web, Mobile, Desktop
Annual Salary Projection: around $79,000 (as claims)
What‘s the technology about
This is one of the top programming languages in the world. Java was created back in 1995 and now it’s owned by the global tech giant Oracle. It’s an object-oriented language that is widely used virtually everywhere. What makes it stand out is that this is the technology for large server-side enterprise-level applications. It is very secure and portable as well as highly structured. Java is widely used by huge IT corporations, including Google, Amazon, and Twitter, just to mention a few. Java coding skills have been in high demand for several years running and still are.Where to learn
1. is a gamified Java learning platform. It is a well-organized course that is focused on learning by doing. And very fun to play with! The platform has over 1200 tasks of various levels. When you complete a task you get immediate verification of your solution. You can take a desktop version but also there’s a mobile version so you can code from your smartphone wherever you are. During the course, you move from level to level just like in a game. And at a certain point, you can start creating a game on your own. Try and see yourself.Platform: Web, Desktop
Annual Salary Projection:
What‘s the technology about
There are three core things that make Python a rock star technology to learn. First, it’s free and open-source. Second, it’s readable which makes it one of the easiest programming languages to learn. And third, this is the technology behind the high-demanded areas of Data Science and Machine Learning. The shortage of skills and professionals here is very high. Moreover, Python has powerful modules for GUI-based apps which is quite handy for visually loaded projects.Where to learn
. This resource is a great option for mastering Python from scratch. It’s an interactive tutorial with over 500,000 learners worldwide. The courses are meticulously structured and it’s easy to grasp what the platform is about.
Platform: Web, Mobile, Desktop, Server
Annual Salary Projection: around
What‘s the technology about
Kotlin is a relatively new programming language. It was first officially released in 2016 and it’s much like a junior brother of Java. It was actually aimed at outperforming the elder one. But I would say there’s still a way to go. Kotlin is widely used for Android development. And it is highly supported by Google. But it’s quite a recent story so some tools that Java already has are still to be re-created for Kotlin. Nevertheless, some major companies like Coursera or Pinterest prefer Kotlin over anything else. A newbie might find Kotlin a little complicated. But if you learn Java first and then polish your skills with Kotlin you’ll be much higher than the average developer.Where to learn
1. . The course is a great option to enhance Java skills with cutting-edge technology for mobile development. It was specially created in a way that helps Java devs master the language in no time.
What‘s the technology about
This programming language is a successor to the well-known Objective-C, the technology behind the Apple world. The company released Swift in 2014, just like Kotlin it’s a relatively new code language but it is already very much in demand. Tech giants like WordPress, SoundCloud, or Mozilla FireFox use Swift for their iOS apps. With the decay of Objective-C, Swift became the official language for iOS and macOS development.Where to learn
1. . The creators of the course promise that by the end of the studies you will be able to build any app you want. Well, maybe not that fast. But you will definitely learn Swift basic, gain some useful coding experience and get a grasp of Machine Learning.Platform: Cross-platform, including mobile and enterprise software applications
Annual Salary Projection:
What‘s the technology about
This is a programming language with a history and reputation. It’s a to-go option for Windows development and anything based on the .NET platform. It was created by Microsoft and it is still one of the best ever technologies for enterprise-level development. But not only that! C# is also used in the Unity game engine which in its turn is a top development environment for the gaming industry.Previously published at