So in our pipelines besides building binaries and pushing them to production, we need to do stuff like read/write to S3 buckets, read some tokens/credentials from add entries to Route53 and so on. Using GitLab runners we can store some AWS credentials so we cna have access to these APIs in , but thats not a good practice because it is hard to rotate them and you might end up having them in many places. that use temporary credentials is the way to go.
And luckily now it is possible to link a GitLab runner deployed in a Kubernetes cluster to an IAM role. GitLab provides a Helm chart for the runner, it can be found and thanks to this we can now link an IAM role to a gitlab runner installation.
Here is an example of a values.yaml file that can be used for a GitLab runner:gitlab-runner:
gitlabUrl: //
runnerRegistrationToken: "aaaaaa-bbbbbb"
unregisterRunners: false
outputLimit: 200000
privileged: true
- gitlab-registry-access-secret
serviceAccountName: <release-name>-gitlab-runner
create: true
resources: ["pods", "pods/exec", "secrets"]
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "patch", "delete"]
serviceAccountAnnotations: arn:aws:iam::3:role/gitlab-runner-role
One important thing to note is that when rbac is set to true, there is a service account created and its name will be <release-name>-<chart-name> (it is actually the function "gitlab-runner.fullname" from the file). How GitLab runner works is that there is a deployment and that will create a runner pod which calls the server for new jobs to execute.
Then these jobs are started in other pods. And these other pods don't use the service account created by the chart, instead it uses default or the value assigned to serviceAccountName from the runners section. So that's the parameter to use to set the service account for the job runners. When you use the same service account, you can also set the role directly in the chart values, you can see it on serviceAccountAnnotations.
Of course you could also use a separate service account, not created within the chart, with its own annotation, so all you need to use is the serviceAccountName parameter under the runners section.