You pitch us too early
Did you ever get burnt by funding a product on Kickstarter that never eventuated? Imagine writing about products and then discovered they were absolute turkeys or plain old fraudulent (Theranos, anyone?). This is what we don't want. Sure it's chicken and egg, you want media attention to get those early angel investors and pre-bookings, but writing about something that might happen, where there's not even a basic prototype, is not that credible - especially if there's a product already on the market that is successful and not that different from yours. If I google "invisibility cloak" and there's one company saying they are going to make one, and one that already has, I know what I would preference without anything else to go on.
Help us tell your story
Length matters
I know everyone has been told to keep it short. But I now get emails that say, "I know a startup that you might be interested in the X space, can I send you an email?" It's a pain and involves pointless back and forth, none of which I get paid for. If you need to send something a bit longer to email your product, go for it in the first instance, just break it down with some sub-headings and dot points. I do this myself when I pitch to editors.Photos matter
These days, there's no budget for a photographer. So we rely on you for high quality photos. If you only have photos with your logo or photos of your founders and not your product, it's of no help. Don't make them ridiculously large or we spend all our time editing them to be able up loading them to our content platforms. Or you'll end up with an article with crappy stock images.
Don’t jump on the bandwagon needlessly
Don’t be too expansive
You’ve got an event/launch/crowdfunding campaign or product launch coming up. You send an email to every journalist you can find not to mention tweeting at them and a message on Facebook and LinkedIn. This will ensure that no one will work with you again. If you’re offering the same information to everyone, then you’re not offering us anything unique or exclusive. Be selective, or at least give it a few days before going to the next person. And curate your list thoughtfully. If someone only writes about SaaS, they don't want to know about your coding for kids robot.Don’t stalk us
I'm not ignoring you, it's that I. Don't. Know. I have no control of publication dates. Sometimes an editor will refuse a piece for reasons they are unable to share like deals with advertisers or competitors that provide sponsored content. (As readers expect online content for free, this is just the way it goes).
That said, it’s ok to politely enquire when the piece will go to press. Keep us updated with your progress in case we are able to freshen up the article before it goes to press a few weeks/months later. But don't make us regret having made contact in their first place.Don’t email us every week
We might have written about your first product but it doesn’t mean we’re in a position to write about every single update. Think about how else you can stay relevant and on our radar.Build an ongoing relationship
As journalists we’re genuinely passionate about what we do, even though we don't get paid very much. Whilst we may not be experts on the minutiae of every topic we cover, we do talk to lots of people every day, and thus we’re in a great position to champion you and your cause to others if you impress us.Whilst we can’t necessarily write about the same topic twice, we’re always looking for trend analysis, commentary on topical issues (especially if you can offer a solution or different perspective), end of year wrap ups and predictions into the following year.Make it easy for us by offering your expertise.Show the love when the piece of published