Currently, the vast majority of edible CBD is delivered to the human body in an ineffective manner, with most of the CBD escaping through urine. Current products utilize delivery methods such as MCTs (medium-chain triglyceride) - an industry standard - like coconut oil or butter. MCTs are a straightforward approach, offering a rich texture, but promising only limited delivery of CBD. Companies such as have developed patented formulations with massive potential amid the ongoing CBD boom, with recent studies showing a clear advantage over aforementioned industry standards, especially in terms of how cannabinoids enter the bloodstream.Water and Oil
New advances in technology have enabled water-soluble CBD. These new water-compatible products have salient features that make them more efficient while reducing costs, especially when compared to traditional CBD oil products in the market. A growing number of vendors are adding such products, consequently replacing oil-based offerings altogether. As an example, when oil-based CBD is consumed, some studies claim that as little as 4% actually makes it to the bloodstream. That said, many companies are working on solutions that focus on , which simply tells us how much of a substance that enters the bloodstream is able to have an active effect.Serving the Health and Wellness Space
The $4.2 trillion wellness industry is a veritable money printer for products that catch public interest, but it takes more than a clever marketing campaign to break into this sector. Wellness products should have some medical weight behind their claims, and CBD has so many scientists and doctors commending its benefits that advertising dollars are almost a waste. Studies have come at rapid-fire pace in recent years, delving deeply into CBD and eventually extolling it for many uses, enhancing its credibility as a wellness product.One of the more groundbreaking discoveries about CBD was also its most public—that it was the only patient Charlotte Figi—who from a young age tolerated hundreds of mini-seizures each day. From this highly publicized and infuriating case came the universal recognition that the Cannabis plant has some undeniable benefits, and after sliding some key legislation into place, the rest is history. Scientists and medical professionals, newly freed from red tape, have since shown CBD to be quite a versatile cannabinoid. According to the most stringent studies, CBD not only has an “anticonvulsant profile… largely devoid of adverse side effects” for epileptics, but it is also “associated with PTSD symptom reduction in adults” (from a patients), and “significantly reduce(s) both craving and anxiety induced by the presentation of salient drug cues” to . As it turns out, aches and pains are merely one piece of a much larger puzzle.A Promising Future
Still a newer concept in the largest jurisdictions, CBD is treated differently depending on where it’s found. In the EU, for example, the to include food and drink items containing CBD, which means that unlike the US, you’ll see something like strawberry CBD soda on shelves. The US contrasts heavily, with its Food and Drug Administration (FDA) having only approved a single CBD treatment to-date: Epidiolex for epileptics. However disparate the laws may be in these two areas, they have a universal standard in common: that non-food CBD products are legal if their THC content is controlled. Scientific and technological developments continue to bring about shifts in the cannabis and CBD sectors meaning that more ailments can be treated in an ever-increasing number of patients. While the breakthrough in isolating CBD from the psychoactive THC compound occurred decades ago, thanks to new advances, we are finally reaching a point where CBD can become mainstream.