What is the "N + 1" problem?
The problem occurs when we have to make a query to get each of the associations, "1" being the first query to get the parent and "N" the number of queries required to get all the associations, let's take a look into an Author < ApplicationRecord
has_many :articles
class Article < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :author
class SalesController < ApplicationController
def index
@articles_list = Article.where("created_at >= ? AND created_at <= ?", start_date, end_date)
<% @articles_list.each do |article| %>
<h3><%= article.created_at %></h3>
<h1><%= %></h1>
<% end %>
If we run the example above we will notice that we are going to get more than one query in the terminal.
We have on query to get all the articles in the range of date
Article Load (0.4ms) SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" WHERE (published_at >= '2020-03-13' AND published_at <= '2020-06-24')
And we have an extra query to get the authors name of each article
Author Load (0.1ms) SELECT "authors".* FROM "authors" WHERE "authors"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]]
Author Load (0.1ms) SELECT "authors".* FROM "authors" WHERE "authors"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]]
Author Load (0.1ms) SELECT "authors".* FROM "authors" WHERE "authors"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
Author Load (0.1ms) SELECT "authors".* FROM "authors" WHERE "authors"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]]
Includes helps us to fix the problem by making only two queries to get all the data, let's modify our example and take a look to the terminal.articles_controller.rb@articles_list = Article.includes(:author).where("published_at >= ? AND published_at <= ?", '2020-03-13', '2020-06-24')
Article Load (0.4ms) SELECT "articles".* FROM "articles" WHERE (published_at >= '2020-03-13' AND published_at <= '2020-06-24')
Author Load (0.5ms) SELECT "authors".* FROM "authors" WHERE "authors"."id" IN (?, ?, ?, ?) [["id", 3], ["id", 4], ["id", 1], ["id", 2]]
Model.includes(:association_one, :association_two)
This will create a single query using a left outer join to get the data of the main table and the association, we can also use a where clause to give conditions to the associated table, to use it is pretty much the same as we do with includes
@articles_list = Article.eager_load(:author).where("published_at >= ? AND published_at <= ?", start_date, end_date)
We have to add the name of the association in the parenthesis next to eager_load as we would do it with includes
SQL (0.4ms) SELECT "articles"."id" AS t0_r0, "articles"."title" AS t0_r1, "articles"."published_at" AS t0_r2, "articles"."author_id" AS t0_r3, "articles"."created_at" AS t0_r4, "articles"."updated_at" AS t0_r5, "authors"."id" AS t1_r0, "authors"."name" AS t1_r1, "authors"."age" AS t1_r2, "authors"."city" AS t1_r3, "authors"."created_at" AS t1_r4, "authors"."updated_at" AS t1_r5 FROM "articles" LEFT OUTER JOIN "authors" ON "authors"."id" = "articles"."author_id" WHERE (published_at >= '2020-03-13' AND published_at <= '2020-06-24')
@articles_list = Article.includes(:author).references(:author).where("published_at >= ? AND published_at <= ?", '2020-03-13', '2020-06-24')