Let's look at some possible solutions.
Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong. They are not rigid rules.
This is part V. Part I can be found here, Part II here, Part III is here, Part IV here and the last one (for now).
Let's continue...It is very nice to have lots of different exceptions. Your code is declarative and robust. Or not?
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No. code, description, resumable, etc are not behavioral.
You will fall to ruin because you believe that exceptions to the rule make new rules.
Pierce Brown
[Key, values], magic, fast, malleable and error prune.
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Degrees deserves reification
Many people suffer from primitive obsession and believe this is over design. Designing software is about making decisions and comparing trade-offs. The performance argument is not valid nowadays since modern virtual machines can efficiently deal with small short-lived objects.
When creating objects we must not think of them as data. This is a common misconception.
We should stay loyal to our and discover real world objects.Most associative arrays have cohesion and represent real world entities, and we must treat them as first class objects.There’s nothing more permanent than a temporary hack.
Kyle Simpson
The first exercise junior programmers do. IDEs, tutorials and senior developers keep teaching them this anti-pattern.
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Mutation brings lots of problemsInformation Hiding ViolatedSecondly, we will search for methods setXXXX(), analyzing method structure (should be an assignment to attribute xxxx).
We should not forbid methods setting accidental state since this is valid. They should not be named setters since they ask the object to change, but they don’t set anything.
Setting attributes is safe for non-essential attributes.
is what distinguishes one object from another.It is related to behavior and not data. It’s not a primary key definition.
Some patterns, like require setting the parts in a controlled, incremental way. Validations are done at the end and the requires it.Setting accidental values has many drawbacks and considerations already mentioned.
Creating incomplete and anemic objects is a very bad practice violating
mutability, fail fast principle and real world .
Fail Fast Philosophy, Explained
Here is the full discussion on Setters
Nude Models - Part I : Setters
Object-oriented programming languages support encapsulation, thereby improving the ability of software to be reused, refined, tested, maintained, and extended. The full benefit of this support can only be realized if encapsulation is maximized during the design process.
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
Changing system behavior in a control board is the customer’s dream. And the software engineer’s nightmare.
In this way, our code will be more declarative, clean and testable. It is not as easy as adding an IF Statement. This kind of lazy developers bring lots of coupling and unexpected issues on our systems.
A system with 300 Boolean configurations has more test combinations (2^300), than the number of atoms in the universe (10^80).
How to Get Rid of Annoying IFs Forever
Simplicity is the soul of efficiency.
Austin Freeman
Mocking is a great aid when testing behavior. Like with many other tools, we are abusing them.
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The pesticide paradox. Every method you use to prevent or find bugs leaves a residue of subtler bugs against which those methods are ineffective.
Boris Beizer