A consistent URL structure can make your site more SEO-friendly, allowing you to attract more visitors from search engines. If your hyperlinks are logically structured, your visitors will have an easier time finding their way through your site.
Without a doubt, the structure should be evaluated as part of your SEO strategy. However, WordPress’ capability to modify URLs is clearly limited. In general, you may modify their structure for posts and pages, but not for custom post types and taxonomies.
You have surely noticed that your browser displays the URL of every page you visit. Every URL is made up of two elements (// and a path (docs/basics/wordpress-permalinks-guide). The idea behind them is to make it easy for people to share or link to a certain place on the website.
It is important to note that “URL” and “permalink” are not interchangeable terms. In spite of this, not all URLs may be considered permalinks. The word “permalink” is typically used to refer to dynamic URLs used by content management systems like WordPress. In contrast, static URL addresses like as those for images, CSS stylesheets, or JavaScript files do not fulfill this definition.
After we have described the difference between URL and permalink, we will go through the last definition. So, what is a ? Here, the answer is straightforward. A slug is nothing more than a part of a permalink. The slug is usually placed at the end of post, page, custom post type, and term (e.g. category) permalinks.
It should be noted, however, that the slug is not always included in WordPress permalinks. For example, the slug is not included in archive page URLs like “//” (which displays all posts published in February 2022).
In contrast to inbuilt rewrite functions, Permalink Manager allows you to customize and change formats in almost any way you want. It was developed to overcome this problem and provide users with greater flexibility in terms of URL customization.
If your site does not have a big number of pages it may also be a good idea to manually adjust each URL address individually. To use the URI Editor included in the plugin, click the “Permalink Manager” button shown next to the URL address.
The posts and terms in bulk URI editor are grouped by post types and taxonomies.
Using “Permastructures” editor you can replace original settings with fully customized URL formats individually for each post type and taxonomy. You can remove the permalink bases completely or change them to whatever you like. Here you can find more info on how to change in bulk.
For the record, we should also provide information on where and how to change inbuilt permalink settings. WordPress has a few basic, out-of-the-box permalink structure formats. To adjust them, go to “Settings > Permalinks” in your admin dashboard.
As you can see in the attached image, the settings panel is self-explanatory and straightforward to use. In most circumstances, “Post name” will be the best option to choose from. If you are interested, contains further information on this feature.
For example, in Classic Editor, this field should be available as soon as the editing panel is turned on. The URL will appear just beneath the input area where you may change the title.
This may be a little more challenging in the case of Gutenberg, You should be able to review the URL address of your post or page using one of the sections listed in the sidebar.
WordPress’s built-in permalinks are automatically generated from the slugs we mentioned before. As a result, after you have saved the post or term, you do not need to do anything else to get WordPress to create a permalink.
Permalink Manager’s custom permalinks, on the other hand, are handled differently. In general, unless you explicitly exclude a post type or taxonomy in the plugin settings, custom permalinks will be generated automatically.
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