In my previous story, Part 1 of this topic — //, we covered the derivation of the expression of WoE using maximum likelihood. Now, we will apply it practically on a random dataset.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from scipy.special import logit, expit
The next step is to generate the y-vector randomly. For this, we use the Bernoulli distribution (actually, we use a Binomial distribution where n = 1). Each Bernoulli trial will produce either a 1 or 0 based on the probability parameter. And the n samples we generate correspond to the n trials of the Bernoulli distribution.
y = np.random.binomial(1, 0.01, 10000)
np.random.binomial(10000, 0.01, 10)
It is evident that the array generated using Bernoulli is what we want which is the vector y with 1s and 0s. However, the array generated using Binomial is sum(y) or sum of events in each Binomial experiment (each experiment has n = 10000 trials) performed 10 times. We don’t want that for our analysis.
x_1 = np.random.normal(130, 15, 114)
x_0 = np.random.normal(100, 20, 9886)
Note that we have cleverly randomly sampled x_1 and x_0 such that there is a higher proportion of the number of events (1s) for the “middle portion” of x values. This will give us a monotonic trend as we will see later. But the intuition is that the event rate is lower for lower values of x and increases as values of x increase. This is ensured by our sampling technique of choosing the right mean and standard deviation for the Normal distributions for x_1 and x_0.
y = np.sort(y)
x = np.concatenate((x_0, x_1), axis=None)
df = pd.DataFrame({'y':y, 'x':x})
####### which feature we want a WoE for?
col = 'x'
####### create a new dataframe with the binned values of the feature 'col' using the percentile method
####### To avoid dealing with Pandas series, create a new df and set its column to the output from pd.qcut
df_bins = pd.DataFrame()
df_bins[col] = pd.qcut(df[col], 5)
Using pd.qcut(), we see how the bins have been equally proportioned.
####### create a new dataframe with the binned values of the feature 'col' using user defined bins
####### include lowest = True ensures that df[col].min() is included in the binned interval.
df_bins = pd.DataFrame()
df_bins[col] = pd.cut(df[col], bins = [24, 95, 115, 188], include_lowest = True)
That is how our binned data frame for x looks like
woe_df = pd.concat([df['y'], df_bins], axis=1)
And we calculate WoE using the one-line code (note the use of the logit function discussed earlier). Please refer to my earlier article to find out the rationale behind the following script — //
woe_x = logit(woe_df.groupby('x')['y'].sum() / woe_df.groupby('x')['y'].count()) - logit(woe_df['y'].sum() / len(woe_df))
It is interesting to see that the lowest bin has negative infinity WoE. We will see the reason for that later. But first, we plot the WoE values for x.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
woe_x.plot(ax=ax, color = 'r', linewidth = 3)
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha='right')
As expected, we see a nice monotonic trend of WoE values for x. This indicates that as x increases, the probability of event or outcome y occurring increases as well.
def calculate_woe_iv(dataset, feature, target):
lst = []
for i in range(dataset[feature].nunique()):
val = list(dataset[feature].unique())[i]
'Value': val,
'All': dataset[dataset[feature] == val].count()[feature],
'Good': dataset[(dataset[feature] == val) & (target == 0)].count()[feature],
'Bad': dataset[(dataset[feature] == val) & (target == 1)].count()[feature]
dset = pd.DataFrame(lst)
dset['Distr_Good'] = dset['Good'] / dset['Good'].sum()
dset['Distr_Bad'] = dset['Bad'] / dset['Bad'].sum()
dset['WoE'] = np.log(dset['Distr_Bad'] / dset['Distr_Good'])
dset = dset.replace({'WoE': {np.inf: 0, -np.inf: 0}})
dset['IV'] = (dset['Distr_Bad'] - dset['Distr_Good']) * dset['WoE']
iv = dset['IV'].sum()
dset = dset.sort_values(by='Value') # sort by values and not by WoEs to detect non-monotonic trends
return dset, iv
print('WoE and IV for variable: {}'.format(col))
woe_iv_df, iv = calculate_woe_iv(df_bins, col, woe_df['y'])
print('IV score: {:.2f}'.format(iv))
The above result shows that x is quite predictive as its IV is 1.75 which is a good value of IV. We also see that the lower bin has exactly 0 events. So clearly, its WoE had to be -infinity as we saw before. However, this code snippet function assigns a value “0” to it which is wrong per se but for plotting purposes, we can use that.
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
woe_iv_df_plt = woe_iv_df[['Value', 'WoE']].set_index('Value')
woe_iv_df_plt.plot(ax=ax, color = 'r', linewidth = 3)
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha='right')
It is the same trend we saw earlier sans the lowest interval WoE value = 0. If we want to avoid that, we can use the “user-specified bins” using pd.cut instead of pd.qcut. If we use that, we will get the following plot