This is where we will start. If you are a founder who is worried about the marketing direction, this piece of writing will work like that shake you take before the gym. Let’s go.
It’s not about tools and apps or paper vs phones. It’s about getting used to content creation. Nail one format or multiple, start with one. It’s not rocket science, it’s not about going with all the trends.
Out there in open lies strategic information: Academic/Professional research papers like this one on Google’s BERT by researchers at Google. There must be some marrow and novelty, right? Savor them. Scan for interesting citations.
(You need to read faster though. Learn, another skill that makes you better in your game. In this case, information retrieval)
Patents: Search for those platforms,
Get amazed by the finds.
The game is to know their game from an insider POV if you consider long-term co-existence with these platforms. Go geek around. **
**Answer the tough questions: This is where you introspect, go philosophic, deep down to the chambers and attic of your stories
Where in the life of the consumer do you stand?
Why are you marketing the products or services?
Clarity is your weapon. Writing long form would give your ideas a place to play. The compilation keeps getting stronger. I use Notion, to let the ideas come to life. I like to write in plain google Docs, and keep them together in Notion for my visual ease.
Did you ever wrote a love letter or poetry,
a rap that can't stop
Playing inside your head, afraid to express
Thinking your idea would flop.
If you still feel blocked, read this essay by PG
(And That’s the end of my rap)
Document the product and startup’s journey. Start with a platform you are most comfortable with. If you want to be authentic, you got to be yourself. No shiny object attraction would help. You are naturally unique, use those.
Scenario 1: You are comfortable with long-form. You can’t do video.
Step 1:
Start with Medium, Hackernoon, or your personal websites (If you have a distribution channel). Publish articles on Medium or Hackernoon. Both platforms have native readers, and an SEO edge, (Hackernoon has a status edge too because they have an editorial).
Step 2:
Re-purpose on LinkedIn, and share the Link on Twitter. Turn parts of the article into tweets, and build it up, the way it happens.
Step 3: Now that you wrote the first article, in what unique ways can you help/guide your users and industry? Meditate over it.
Step 4: DYOR, once this happens, go deep down the rabbit hole where your users dwell in the online realms.
Where to research?
Don’t wait to see the likes and comments, get back to doing what you do best, that’s where the stories would start to build up
It’s a process, you consume useful content, and you meet interesting people. Delve deeper into understanding Human Psychology (You start with Robert Cialdini’s Influence). Understand Neuroscience (You can start with Dr. Andrew Huberman’s podcast.) Exploit the tools. Some deep historical study never hurts, (You can start with Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens).
Go kill it.