Kafka itself comes with command line tools that can do all the
administration tasks, but those tools aren’t very convenient because
they are not integrated into one tool and you need to run a different
tool for different tasks. Moreover, it is getting difficult to work with them when your clusters grow large or when you have several clusters.
First is . It is a windows program that can connect to a Kafka cluster and do all basic tasks. It can list brokers, topics or consumers and their properties. It allows you to create new topics or update existing ones
and you can even look at the messages in a topic or partition. Although
it is very useful, its UI seems somewhat old and it lacks some monitoring features like topic lag. Also, it is not free for commercial use.
is a web based management system for Kafka developed at Yahoo. It is capable of administrating multiple clusters, it can show statistics on individual brokers or topics such as messages per second, lag and so on. But it’s more of an administrative tool — unfortunately you can’t use it to browse messages. It also requires access to the ZooKeeper nodes, so you might not be able to use it in some production environments,
where ZooKeeper nodes are typically firewalled.
and change kafka-manager.zkhosts
to one or more of your ZooKeeper hosts, for example kafka-manager.zkhosts="cloudera2:2181".
Now you should build Kafka Manager. It uses play framework but it is
installed and configured automatically (unlike Kafka web console that is discussed later). In the directory where you unzipped it, run:
./sbt clean dist
Unzip it to a directory of your choice.Replace x.x.x.x with the version number.
After it’s done starting, you can access it with you browser at port 9000 (this is the default, but you can change it by adding
startup parameter). is a web UI for viewing Kafka topics and browsing consumer groups. The tool displays information such as brokers, topics, partitions,
consumers, and lets you view messages. Kafdrop seems modern and very
impressive and its capabilities are very similar to those of Kafka Manager, but with more focus on the letting you view the contents of the brokers. Its features include:
docker run -it -p 9000:9000 \
-e KAFKA_BROKERCONNECT=<host:port,host:port> \
About the author
Guy Shilo is a Data engineer from Israel. Guy’s been dealing with data and
IT for many years as a DBA, mostly on Oracle platforms. In the last few
years, Guy had witnessed the rise of new, distributed data storage and processing platforms such as Hadoop and Kafka with all its sub-projects, and a plethora of specialized NoSQL databases, search engines and distributed computing frameworks.