使用您自己的文本到图像脚本构建、运行和部署 DApp 的完整指南,以在 FVM 超空间测试网上铸造 AI 生成的艺术 NFT!
(明白了 - 这是煎饼堆#sorrynotsorry)
💡 TLDR 提示💡
该游戏脚本现在已经不错能够 CLI 和 HTTP 端点能够 Bacalhau 用到,从而请轻易关掉这部电视剧分。
Python 脚本
🦄 您可以在和中找到有关如何构建和 Dockerise 这个文本到图像脚本并在 Bacalhau 上运行它的完整演练。🦄 您也可以在此中运行它
import argparse from stable_diffusion_tf.stable_diffusion import Text2Image from PIL import Image import os parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Stable Diffusion") parser.add_argument("--h",dest="height", type=int,help="height of the image",default=512) parser.add_argument("--w",dest="width", type=int,help="width of the image",default=512) parser.add_argument("--p",dest="prompt", type=str,help="Description of the image you want to generate",default="cat") parser.add_argument("--n",dest="numSteps", type=int,help="Number of Steps",default=50) parser.add_argument("--u",dest="unconditionalGuidanceScale", type=float,help="Number of Steps",default=7.5) parser.add_argument("--t",dest="temperature", type=int,help="Number of Steps",default=1) parser.add_argument("--b",dest="batchSize", type=int,help="Number of Images",default=1) parser.add_argument("--o",dest="output", type=str,help="Output Folder where to store the Image",default="./") args=parser.parse_args() height=args.height width=args.width prompt=args.prompt numSteps=args.numSteps unconditionalGuidanceScale=args.unconditionalGuidanceScale temperature=args.temperature batchSize=args.batchSize output=args.output generator = Text2Image( img_height=height, img_width=width, jit_compile=False, # You can try True as well (different performance profile) ) img = generator.generate( prompt, num_steps=numSteps, unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditionalGuidanceScale, temperature=temperature, batch_size=batchSize, ) for i in range(0,batchSize): pil_img = Image.fromarray(img[i]) image = pil_img.save(f"{output}/image{i}.png")
generator = Text2Image( img_height=height, img_width=width, jit_compile=False, ) img = generator.generate( prompt, num_steps=numSteps, unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditionalGuidanceScale, temperature=temperature, batch_size=batchSize, )
这不仅是中心化的,而且效率低下——由于数据与计算机的距离未知,而且它可能会很快变得昂贵。我没有找到任何为此提供 GPU 处理的免费层级云计算服务(有人说加密采矿禁令......?)并且计划每月超过 400 美元(不,谢谢)。
是一个点对点的开放式计算网络,它为公共、透明和可选的可验证计算过程提供了一个平台,用户可以在其中运行 Docker 容器或 Web Assembly 图像作为针对任何数据的任务,包括存储在 IPFS(以及即将推出的 Filecoin)中的数据。它甚至支持 GPU 作业,而且价格不超过 400 美元!
在 Bacalhau 上运行脚本
bacalhau docker run --gpu 1 ghcr.io/bacalhau-project/examples/stable-diffusion-gpu:0.0.1 -- python main.py --o ./outputs --p "Rainbow Unicorn"
NFT 智慧期货合同规定针对,但采用 ERC721URIStorage 微信版本,进来涵盖元的统计的数据规格拓张(因小编不错将小编的 IPFS 寻址元的统计的数据——小编将维持在 NFT.Storage 上的元的统计的数据传递信息给期货合同规定) .
💡 💡
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.4; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/extensions/ERC721URIStorage.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol"; import "@hardhat/console.sol"; contract BacalhauFRC721 is ERC721URIStorage { /** @notice Counter keeps track of the token ID number for each unique NFT minted in the NFT collection */ using Counters for Counters.Counter; Counters.Counter private _tokenIds; /** @notice This struct stores information about each NFT minted */ struct bacalhauFRC721NFT { address owner; string tokenURI; uint256 tokenId; } /** @notice Keeping an array for each of the NFT's minted on this contract allows me to get information on them all with a read-only front end call */ bacalhauFRC721NFT[] public nftCollection; /** @notice The mapping allows me to find NFT's owned by a particular wallet address. I'm only handling the case where an NFT is minted to an owner in this contract - but you'd need to handle others in a mainnet contract like sending to other wallets */ mapping(address => bacalhauFRC721NFT[]) public nftCollectionByOwner; /** @notice This event will be triggered (emitted) each time a new NFT is minted - which I will watch for on my front end in order to load new information that comes in about the collection as it happens */ event NewBacalhauFRC721NFTMinted( address indexed sender, uint256 indexed tokenId, string tokenURI ); /** @notice Creates the NFT Collection Contract with a Name and Symbol */ constructor() ERC721("Bacalhau NFTs", "BAC") { console.log("Hello Fil-ders! Now creating Bacalhau FRC721 NFT contract!"); } /** @notice The main function which will mint each NFT. The ipfsURI is a link to the ipfs content identifier hash of the NFT metadata stored on NFT.Storage. This data minimally includes name, description and the image in a JSON. */ function mintBacalhauNFT(address owner, string memory ipfsURI) public returns (uint256) { // get the tokenID for this new NFT uint256 newItemId = _tokenIds.current(); // Format info for saving to our array bacalhauFRC721NFT memory newNFT = bacalhauFRC721NFT({ owner: msg.sender, tokenURI: ipfsURI, tokenId: newItemId }); //mint the NFT to the chain _mint(owner, newItemId); //Set the NFT Metadata for this NFT _setTokenURI(newItemId, ipfsURI); _tokenIds.increment(); //Add it to our collection array & owner mapping nftCollection.push(newNFT); nftCollectionByOwner[owner].push(newNFT); // Emit an event on-chain to say we've minted an NFT emit NewBacalhauFRC721NFTMinted( msg.sender, newItemId, ipfsURI ); return newItemId; } /** * @notice helper function to display NFTs for frontends */ function getNFTCollection() public view returns (bacalhauFRC721NFT[] memory) { return nftCollection; } /** * @notice helper function to fetch NFT's by owner */ function getNFTCollectionByOwner(address owner) public view returns (bacalhauFRC721NFT[] memory){ return nftCollectionByOwner[owner]; }
会将此合同协议研究构建到,但您还是可以将此合同协议研究构建到任何 EVM 兼容链,包扩 Polygon、BSC、Optimism、Arbitrum、Avalanche 等。你甚至会还是可以设定你的前面来设计多链 NFT(提示卡: )!
使用 Hardhat 部署智能合约
我正在慢慢利用 hardhat 将此期货合约部署工作到 Hyperspace 測試网。
🛸超空间 RPC 和 BlockExplorer 选项:
公众 RPC 端点区快浏览记录器的开放API :
import '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox'; import { config as dotenvConfig } from 'dotenv'; import { HardhatUserConfig } from 'hardhat/config'; import { resolve } from 'path'; //Import our customised tasks // import './pages/api/hardhat/tasks'; const dotenvConfigPath: string = process.env.DOTENV_CONFIG_PATH || './.env'; dotenvConfig({ path: resolve(__dirname, dotenvConfigPath) }); // Ensure that we have all the environment variables we need. const walletPrivateKey: string | undefined = process.env.WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY; if (!walletPrivateKey) { throw new Error('Please set your Wallet private key in a .env file'); } const config: HardhatUserConfig = { solidity: '0.8.17', defaultNetwork: 'filecoinHyperspace', networks: { hardhat: {}, filecoinHyperspace: { url: '//api.hyperspace.node.glif.io/rpc/v1', chainId: 3141, accounts: [process.env.WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY ?? 'undefined'], }, // bleeding edge often-reset FVM testnet filecoinWallaby: { url: '//wallaby.node.glif.io/rpc/v0', chainId: 31415, accounts: [process.env.WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY ?? 'undefined'], //explorer: //wallaby.filscan.io/ and starboard }, }, // I am using the path mapping so I can keep my hardhat deployment within the /pages folder of my DApp and therefore access the contract ABI for use on my frontend paths: { root: './pages/api/hardhat', tests: './pages/api/hardhat/tests', //who names a directory in the singular?!!! Grammarly would not be happy cache: './pages/api/hardhat/cache', }, }; export default config;
以便布署智慧合約,公司使用没事个布署游戏脚本——请小心,我还在这儿里专程将手机钱包详细地址设立为个性签名者(其他者)——在编纂中心句时,FEVM 中依然会出现这些地址转换系统错误,这有机会会从而导致这些奇特的操作。
import hre from 'hardhat'; import type { BacalhauFRC721 } from '../typechain-types/contracts/BacalhauFRC721'; import type { BacalhauFRC721__factory } from '../typechain-types/factories/contracts/BacalhauFRC721__factory'; async function main() { console.log('Bacalhau721 deploying....'); // !!!needed as hardhat's default does not map correctly to the FEVM const owner = new hre.ethers.Wallet( process.env.WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY || 'undefined', hre.ethers.provider ); const bacalhauFRC721Factory: BacalhauFRC721__factory = < BacalhauFRC721__factory > await hre.ethers.getContractFactory('BacalhauFRC721', owner); const bacalhauFRC721: BacalhauFRC721 = <BacalhauFRC721>( await bacalhauFRC721Factory.deploy() ); await bacalhauFRC721.deployed(); console.log('bacalhauFRC721 deployed to ', bacalhauFRC721.address); // optionally log to a file here } main().catch((error) => { console.error(error); process.exitCode = 1; });
要堡垒机被部署,请采用以上代碼在终端设备中自动运行给出按键精灵脚本(重视:可能咱们在安装海军中将初始线上设立为 filecoinHyperspace,往往没有为线上表达象征,即使下面如下图所示) > cd ./pages/hardhat/deploy/
npx hardhat run ./deployBacalhauFRC721.ts --network filecoinHyperspace
该 API 目前仅直接命中此博客中记录的稳定扩散脚本,但是,该团队正在将其扩展为更通用的 API,以便您可以调用任何示例以及您自己从 HTTP 部署的脚本休息API。请在或
>run/test in terminal
curl -XPOST -d '{"prompt": "rainbow unicorn"}' '//dashboard.bacalhau.org:1000/api/v1/stablediffusion';
>react / typescript code
import { CID } from 'multiformats/cid'; export const callBacalhauJob = async (promptInput: string) => { //Bacalahau HTTP Stable Diffusion Endpoint const url = '//dashboard.bacalhau.org:1000/api/v1/stablediffusion'; const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }; const data = { prompt: promptInput, //The user text prompt! }; /* FETCH FROM BACALHAU ENDPOINT */ const cid = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data), headers: headers, }) .then(async (res) => { let body = await res.json(); if (body.cid) { /* Bacalhau returns a V0 CID which we want to convert to a V1 CID for easier usage with http gateways (ie. displaying the image on web), so I'm using the IPFS multiformats package to convert it here */ return CID.parse(body.cid).toV1().toString(); } }) .catch((err) => { console.log('error in bac job', err); }); return cid; };
此函数将返回一个 IPFS CID(内容标识符),其文件夹结构如下所示。然后可以在/outputs/image0.png
💡 ! 💡
在创建 NFT 时,请务必注意,除非您将元数据存储在链上(这对于大文件来说可能变得非常昂贵),否则为了符合令牌的“不可替代性”,您需要存储是持久,可靠和不变。
使用 NFT.Storage 意味着我们为我们的元数据获得一个不可变的 IPFS 文件 CID(内容- 而不是位置 - id entifier),它不仅固定到 IPFS,而且还存储到 Filecoin 以实现持久性。你只需要注册NFT.Storage 并为此获得一个(保存在您的 .env 文件中)。
.env example
import { NFTStorage } from 'nft.storage'; //connect to NFT.Storage Client const NFTStorageClient = new NFTStorage({ token: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_NFT_STORAGE_API_KEY, }); const createNFTMetadata = async ( promptInput: string, imageIPFSOrigin: string, //the ipfs path eg. ipfs://[CID] imageHTTPURL: string //an ipfs address fetchable through http for the front end to use (ie. including an ipfs http gateway on it like //[CID].ipfs.nftstorage.link) ) => { console.log('Creating NFT Metadata...'); let nftJSON; // let's get the image data Blob from the IPFS CID that was returned from Bacalhau earlier... await getImageBlob(status, setStatus, imageHTTPURL).then( async (imageData) => { // Now let's create a unique CID for that image data - since we don't really want the rest of the data returned from the Bacalhau job.. await NFTStorageClient.storeBlob(imageData) .then((imageIPFS) => { console.log(imageIPFS); //Here's the JSON construction - only name, description and image are required fields- but I also want to save some other properties like the ipfs link and perhaps you have other properties that give your NFT's rarity to add as well nftJSON = { name: 'Bacalhau Hyperspace NFTs 2023', description: promptInput, image: imageIPFSOrigin, properties: { prompt: promptInput, type: 'stable-diffusion-image', origins: { ipfs: `ipfs://${imageIPFS}`, bacalhauipfs: imageIPFSOrigin, }, innovation: 100, content: { 'text/markdown': promptInput, }, }, }; }) .catch((err) => console.log('error creating blob cid', err)); } ); return nftJSON; };
await NFTStorageClient.store(nftJson) .then((metadata) => { // DONE! - do something with this returned metadata! console.log('NFT Data pinned to IPFS & stored on Filecoin!'); console.log('Metadata URI: ', metadata.url); // once saved we can use it to mint the NFT // mintNFT(metadata); }) .catch((err) => { console.log('error uploading to nft.storage'); });
💡快速提示💡NFT.Storage 还提供了一系列其他,如 storeCar 和 storeDirectory 以及status() 函数- 它返回 CID 的 IPFS 固定和 Filecoin 存储交易 -> 这可能是一个非常酷的补充用于检查 NFT 状态的 FEVM DApp(或在 FEVM 发布主网后在 FEVM 上实施 NFT)。
使用公共 RPC 以读取模式连接到合约:
//The compiled contract found in pages/api/hardhat/artifacts/contracts import BacalhauCompiledContract from '@Contracts/BacalhauFRC721.sol/BacalhauFRC721.json'; //On-chain address of the contract const contractAddressHyperspace = '0x773d8856dd7F78857490e5Eea65111D8d466A646'; //A public RPC Endpoint (see table from contract section) const rpc = '//api.hyperspace.node.glif.io/rpc/v1'; const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(rpc); const connectedReadBacalhauContract = new ethers.Contract( contractAddressHyperspace, BacalhauCompiledContract.abi, provider );
//use the read-only connected Bacalhau Contract connectedReadBacalhauContract.on( // Listen for the specific event we made in our contract 'NewBacalhauFRC721NFTMinted', (sender: string, tokenId: number, tokenURI: string) => { //DO STUFF WHEN AN EVENT COMES IN // eg. re-fetch NFT's, store in state and change page status } );
以写入模式连接到合约 - 这需要以太坊对象通过钱包注入网络浏览器,以便用户可以签署交易并支付 gas - 这就是我们检查 window.ethereum 的原因目的。
//Typescript needs to know window is an object with potentially and ethereum value. There might be a better way to do this? Open to tips! declare let window: any; //The compiled contract found in pages/api/hardhat/artifacts/contracts import BacalhauCompiledContract from '@Contracts/BacalhauFRC721.sol/BacalhauFRC721.json'; //On-chain address of the contract const contractAddressHyperspace = '0x773d8856dd7F78857490e5Eea65111D8d466A646'; //check for the ethereum object if (!window.ethereum) { //ask user to install a wallet or connect //abort this } // else there's a wallet provider else { // same function - different provider - this one has a signer - the user's connected wallet address const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum); const contract = new ethers.Contract( contractAddressHyperspace, BacalhauCompiledContract.abi, provider ); const signer = provider.getSigner(); const connectedWriteBacalhauContract = contract.connect(signer); }
用到读取数据相连的期货合约传参 mint 方程。
declare let window: any; const fetchWalletAccounts = async () => { console.log('Fetching wallet accounts...'); await window.ethereum //use ethers? .request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' }) .then((accounts: string[]) => { return accounts; }) .catch((error: any) => { if (error.code === 4001) { // EIP-1193 userRejectedRequest error console.log('Please connect to MetaMask.'); } else { console.error(error); } }); }; const fetchChainId = async () => { console.log('Fetching chainId...'); await window.ethereum .request({ method: 'eth_chainId' }) .then((chainId: string[]) => { return chainId; }) .catch((error: any) => { if (error.code === 4001) { // EIP-1193 userRejectedRequest error console.log('Please connect to MetaMask.'); } else { console.error(error); } }); }; //!! This function checks for a wallet connection WITHOUT being intrusive to to the user or opening their wallet export const checkForWalletConnection = async () => { if (window.ethereum) { console.log('Checking for Wallet Connection...'); await window.ethereum .request({ method: 'eth_accounts' }) .then(async (accounts: String[]) => { console.log('Connected to wallet...'); // Found a user wallet return true; }) .catch((err: Error) => { console.log('Error fetching wallet', err); return false; }); } else { //Handle no wallet connection return false; } }; //Subscribe to changes on a user's wallet export const setWalletListeners = () => { console.log('Setting up wallet event listeners...'); if (window.ethereum) { // subscribe to provider events compatible with EIP-1193 standard. window.ethereum.on('accountsChanged', (accounts: any) => { //logic to check if disconnected accounts[] is empty if (accounts.length < 1) { //handle the locked wallet case } if (userWallet.accounts[0] !== accounts[0]) { //user has changed address } }); // Subscribe to chainId change window.ethereum.on('chainChanged', () => { // handle changed chain case }); } else { //handle the no wallet case } }; export const changeWalletChain = async (newChainId: string) => { console.log('Changing wallet chain...'); const provider = window.ethereum; try { await provider.request({ method: 'wallet_switchEthereumChain', params: [{ chainId: newChainId }], //newChainId }); } catch (error: any) { alert(error.message); } }; //AddHyperspaceChain export const addHyperspaceNetwork = async () => { console.log('Adding the Hyperspace Network to Wallet...'); if (window.ethereum) { window.ethereum .request({ method: 'wallet_addEthereumChain', params: [ { chainId: '0xc45', rpcUrls: [ '//hyperspace.filfox.info/rpc/v0', '//filecoin-hyperspace.chainstacklabs.com/rpc/v0', ], chainName: 'Filecoin Hyperspace', nativeCurrency: { name: 'tFIL', symbol: 'tFIL', decimals: 18, }, blockExplorerUrls: [ '//fvm.starboard.ventures/contracts/', '//hyperspace.filscan.io/', '//beryx.zondax.chfor', ], }, ], }) .then((res: XMLHttpRequestResponseType) => { console.log('added hyperspace successfully', res); }) .catch((err: ErrorEvent) => { console.log('Error adding hyperspace network', err); }); } };
// Pass in the metadata return from saving to NFT.Storage const mintNFT = async (metadata: any) => { await connectedWriteBacalhauContract // The name of our function in our smart contract .mintBacalhauNFT( userWallet.accounts[0], //users account to use metadata.url //test ipfs address ) .then(async (data: any) => { console.log('CALLED CONTRACT MINT FUNCTION', data); await data .wait() .then(async (tx: any) => { console.log('tx', tx); //CURRENTLY NOT RETURNING TX - (I use event triggering to know when this function is complete) let tokenId = tx.events[1].args.tokenId.toString(); console.log('tokenId args', tokenId); setStatus({ ...INITIAL_TRANSACTION_STATE, success: successMintingNFTmsg(data), }); }) .catch((err: any) => { console.log('ERROR', err); setStatus({ ...status, loading: '', error: errorMsg(err.message, 'Error minting NFT'), }); }); }) .catch((err: any) => { console.log('ERROR1', err); setStatus({ ...status, loading: '', error: errorMsg( err && err.message ? err.message : null, 'Error minting NFT' ), }); }); }
Bacalhau 相当适用多数据完成多次重复的、敲定性的补救作业题。
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