Jan 01, 1970
潜在地,我们可以使用多种中间货币进行有利可图的交易,这被称为“肯定的赌注” 。
1 USD | 1 CHF | 1 YEN 0.91 CHF | 163.16 YEN | 0.0067 USD ----------------|-------------------|-------------- 1.098901099 | 0.006128953 | 149.2537313
现在,我们需要找到这些值的乘积。当该产品产生的值小于 1 时,一系列交易变得有利可图:
1.098901099 * 0.006128953 * 149.2537313 = 1.005240803
0.91 CHF * 163.16 (YEN per 1 CHF) * 0.0067 (USD per 1 YEN) = 0.99478652 US Dollars
容易来看,当都可以用不大于一方的相同之处世界虚拟货币得到 一方的世界虚拟货币时,无风险套利寿命就有弊可图。
1 USD | 1 CHF | 1 YEN 0.92 CHF | 163.16 YEN | 0.0067 USD ----------------|-------------------|-------------- 1.086956522 | 0.006128953 | 149.2537313
1.086956522 * 0.006128953 * 149.2537313 = 0.994314272
0.92 CHF * 163.16 (YEN per 1 CHF) * 0.0067 (USD per 1 YEN) = 1.00571824 US Dollars
由此,检验 3 个无风险无风险套利对的无风险无风险套利圈中的利润率或损失费的计算方式下列图示: USD/CHF * CHF/YEN * YEN/USD < 1.0
EUR USD YEN CHF 1 1 1 1 EUR 1 1 1 1 USD 1 1 1 1 YEN 1 1 1 1 CHF
USD CHF YEN { 1.0, 1.10, 0.0067 } USD { 0.91, 1.0, 0.0061 } CHF { 148.84, 163.16, 1.0 } YEN
class GraphNode { public: string Name; }; class Graph { public: vector<vector<double>> Matrix; vector<GraphNode> Nodes; };
LogE(USD/CHF) * LogE(CHF/YEN) * LogE(YEN/USD) < 0.0
这个简单的数学技巧使我们能够从搜索边长乘积小于 1 的环路转变为搜索边长总和小于零的环路。
企业的矩阵的值值变为为 LogE(x) 并在点后舍入 2 数字字,现时正确如下图所示: USD CHF YEN { 0.0, 0.1, -5.01 } USD { -0.09, 0.0, -5.1 } CHF { 5.0, 5.09, 0.0 } YEN
我们不能在这里应用经典的 BFS、DFS 甚至 Dijkstra,因为我们的图可能包含负权重,这可能会在遍历图时导致负循环。负循环对算法提出了挑战,因为它在每次迭代中不断找到更好的解决方案。
graph.Nodes.push_back({ "USD" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "CHF" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "YEN" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "GBP" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "CNY" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "EUR" }); // Define exchange rates for pairs of currencies below // USD CHF YEN GBP CNY EUR graph.Matrix = { { 0.0, 0.41, INF, INF, INF, 0.29 }, // USD { INF, 0.0, 0.51, INF, 0.32, INF }, // CHF { INF, INF, 0.0, 0.50, INF, INF }, // YEN { 0.45, INF, INF, 0.0, INF, -0.38 }, // GBP { INF, INF, 0.32, 0.36, 0.0, INF }, // CNY { INF, -0.29, INF, INF, 0.21, 0.0 } }; // EUR
vector<double> _shortestPath; vector<int> _previousVertex; void FindPath(Graph& graph, int start) { int verticesNumber = graph.Nodes.size(); _shortestPath.resize(verticesNumber, INF); _previousVertex.resize(verticesNumber, -1); _shortestPath[start] = 0; // For each vertex, apply relaxation for all the edges V - 1 times. for (int k = 0; k < verticesNumber - 1; k++) for (int from = 0; from < verticesNumber; from++) for (int to = 0; to < verticesNumber; to++) if (_shortestPath[to] > _shortestPath[from] + graph.Matrix[from][to]) { _shortestPath[to] = _shortestPath[from] + graph.Matrix[from][to]; _previousVertex[to] = from; } }
Path from 4 to 0 is : 4(CNY) 3(GBP) 0(USD) Path from 4 to 1 is : 4(CNY) 3(GBP) 5(EUR) 1(CHF) Path from 4 to 2 is : 4(CNY) 3(GBP) 5(EUR) 1(CHF) 2(YEN) Path from 4 to 3 is : 4(CNY) 3(GBP) Path from 4 to 4 is : 4(CNY) Path from 4 to 5 is : 4(CNY) 3(GBP) 5(EUR)
vector<double> _shortestPath; vector<int> _previousVertex; bool ContainsNegativeCycles(Graph& graph, int start) { int verticesNumber = graph.Nodes.size(); _shortestPath.resize(verticesNumber, INF); _previousVertex.resize(verticesNumber, -1); _shortestPath[start] = 0; // For each vertex, apply relaxation for all the edges V - 1 times. for (int k = 0; k < verticesNumber - 1; k++) { updated = false; for (int from = 0; from < verticesNumber; from++) { for (int to = 0; to < verticesNumber; to++) { if (_shortestPath[to] > _shortestPath[from] + graph.Matrix[from][to]) { _shortestPath[to] = _shortestPath[from] + graph.Matrix[from][to]; _previousVertex[to] = from; updated = true; } } } if (!updated) // No changes in paths, means we can finish earlier. break; } // Run one more relaxation step to detect which nodes are part of a negative cycle. if (updated) for (int from = 0; from < verticesNumber; from++) for (int to = 0; to < verticesNumber; to++) if (_shortestPath[to] > _shortestPath[from] + graph.Matrix[from][to]) // A negative cycle has occurred if we can find a better path beyond the optimal solution. return true; return false; }
graph.Nodes.push_back({ "USD" }); // 1 (Index = 0) graph.Nodes.push_back({ "CHF" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "YEN" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "GBP" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "CNY" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "EUR" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "XXX" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "YYY" }); // 8 (Index = 7) // USD CHF YEN GBP CNY EUR XXX YYY graph.Matrix = { { 0.0, 1.0, INF, INF, INF, INF, INF, INF }, // USD { INF, 0.0, 1.0, INF, INF, 4.0, 4.0, INF }, // CHF { INF, INF, 0.0, INF, 1.0, INF, INF, INF }, // YEN { INF, INF, 1.0, 0.0, INF, INF, INF, INF }, // GBP { INF, INF, INF, -3.0, 0.0, INF, INF, INF }, // CNY { INF, INF, INF, INF, INF, 0.0, 5.0, 3.0 }, // EUR { INF, INF, INF, INF, INF, INF, 0.0, 4.0 }, // XXX { INF, INF, INF, INF, INF, INF, INF, 0.0 } }; // YYY
Graph contains negative cycle.
bool FindPathsAndNegativeCycles(Graph& graph, int start) { int verticesNumber = graph.Nodes.size(); _shortestPath.resize(verticesNumber, INF); _previousVertex.resize(verticesNumber, -1); _shortestPath[start] = 0; for (int k = 0; k < verticesNumber - 1; k++) for (int from = 0; from < verticesNumber; from++) for (int to = 0; to < verticesNumber; to++) { if (graph.Matrix[from][to] == INF) // Edge not exists { continue; } if (_shortestPath[to] > _shortestPath[from] + graph.Matrix[from][to]) { _shortestPath[to] = _shortestPath[from] + graph.Matrix[from][to]; _previousVertex[to] = from; } } bool negativeCycles = false; for (int k = 0; k < verticesNumber - 1; k++) for (int from = 0; from < verticesNumber; from++) for (int to = 0; to < verticesNumber; to++) { if (graph.Matrix[from][to] == INF) // Edge not exists { continue; } if (_shortestPath[to] > _shortestPath[from] + graph.Matrix[from][to]) { _shortestPath[to] = NEG_INF; _previousVertex[to] = -2; negativeCycles = true; } } return negativeCycles; }
Graph contains negative cycle. Path from 0 to 0 is : 0(USD) Path from 0 to 1 is : 0(USD) 1(CHF) Path from 0 to 2 is : Infinite number of shortest paths (negative cycle). Path from 0 to 3 is : Infinite number of shortest paths (negative cycle). Path from 0 to 4 is : Infinite number of shortest paths (negative cycle). Path from 0 to 5 is : 0(USD) 1(CHF) 5(EUR) Path from 0 to 6 is : 0(USD) 1(CHF) 6(XXX) Path from 0 to 7 is : 0(USD) 1(CHF) 5(EUR) 7(YYY)
graph.Nodes.push_back({ "USD" }); // 1 (Index = 0) graph.Nodes.push_back({ "CHF" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "YEN" }); // 3 (Index = 2) // LogE(x) table: USD CHF YEN graph.Matrix = { { 0.0, 0.489, -0.402 }, // USD { -0.489, 0.0, -0.891 }, // CHF { 0.402, 0.89, 0.0 } }; // YEN from = 0; FindPathsAndNegativeCycles(graph, from);
Graph contains negative cycle. Path from 0 to 0 is: Infinite number of shortest paths (negative cycle). Path from 0 to 1 is: Infinite number of shortest paths (negative cycle). Path from 0 to 2 is: Infinite number of shortest paths (negative cycle).
// LogE(x) table: USD CHF YEN graph.Matrix = { { 0.0, 0.490, -0.402 }, // USD { -0.489, 0.0, -0.891 }, // CHF { 0.403, 0.891, 0.0 } }; // YEN from = 0; FindPathsAndNegativeCycles(graph, from);
Path from 0 to 0 is : 0(USD) Path from 0 to 1 is : 0(USD) 2(YEN) 1(CHF) Path from 0 to 2 is : 0(USD) 2(YEN)
graph.Nodes.push_back({ "USD" }); // 1 (Index = 0) graph.Nodes.push_back({ "CHF" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "YEN" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "GBP" }); graph.Nodes.push_back({ "CNY" }); // 5 (Index = 4) // LogE(x) table: USD CHF YEN GBP CNY graph.Matrix = { { 0.0, 0.490, -0.402, 0.7, 0.413 }, // USD { -0.489, 0.0, -0.891, 0.89, 0.360 }, // CHF { 0.403, 0.891, 0.0, 0.91, 0.581 }, // YEN { 0.340, 0.405, 0.607, 0.0, 0.72 }, // GBP { 0.403, 0.350, 0.571, 0.71, 0.0 } }; // CNY from = 0; runDetectNegativeCycles(graph, from);
Path from 0 to 0 is : 0(USD) Path from 0 to 1 is : 0(USD) 2(YEN) 1(CHF) Path from 0 to 2 is : 0(USD) 2(YEN) Path from 0 to 3 is : 0(USD) 2(YEN) 3(GBP) Path from 0 to 4 is : 0(USD) 2(YEN) 4(CNY)