WINNER - 🥇Medium's Paywall
2ND PLACE -🥈Facebook's Libra
3RD PLACE -🥉Apple's Butterfly Switch Keyboards
REMEMBER: you can exercise your right to declare the best and worst of the world's technology industry in Hacker Noon’s Inaugural Annual Awards, the #Noonies, EVERY DAY FROM TODAY until August 16th! 🏆
🕛The Noonies are made possible by . Stream’s simple, powerful APIs for scalable feeds and chat are used by some of the largest and most popular apps.The Bait & Switch Award
For the worst pivot.
The Noonies are made possible by . Stream’s simple, powerful APIs for scalable feeds and chat are used by some of the largest and most popular apps. Voting is open from today until August 16th, 2019, and Hacker Noon’s #Noonies award winners will be announced on August 21st, 2019. << VOTE NOW >>