apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: guaranteed-nginx
namespace: demo
- name: guaranteed-nginx
image: nginx
memory: "512Mi"
cpu: "1024m"
memory: "512Mi"
cpu: "1024m"
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: guaranteed-nginx
namespace: demo
- name: guaranteed-nginx
image: nginx
memory: "1024Mi"
memory: "512Mi"
Best Effort
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: guaranteed-nginx
namespace: demo
- name: guaranteed-nginx
image: nginx
PriorityClass config with preemption disabled
kind: PriorityClass
name: high-priority
preemptionPolicy: Never
value: 1000000
globalDefault: false
description: "This priority class will not preempt other pods"
Pod with priority class
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
env: demo
- name: nginx
image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
priorityClassName: high-priority
Pod Preemption
When pods are created, they are placed into the scheduling queue based on their priority. Scheduler picks up a pod for scheduling and filters nodes based on the requirements specified by the pod. If the scheduler is unable to find any suitable node for the pod, then preemption logic is invoked for the pending pod provided preemptionPolicy for pending pod is not set to Never.
Preemption logic tries to find nodes which have lower priority pods than the pending pod so that pending pod can be scheduled on this node after
removal of low priority pods.
1. Setting up Priority for First Time on Existing Cluster
When you are setting up pod priority for the first time, you must start with the pods with highest priority or keep preemptionPolicy as Never. Because he default priority of the pod is 0, if you set priority for low priority pod first then it may preempt critical pod which may not have priority set and may result in outage.
2. PodDisruptionBudget (PDB) is Not Guaranteed
PDB is only on a best effort basis. It will try to find a node such that eviction of lower priority pods will not result in violation of PDB. If it is unable to find any such node, then it will evict low priority pods from node to schedule high priority pod even if eviction results in violation of PDB and may result in outage.
3. Affinity with Low Priority Pod
In case high priority pod (H) has inter pod affinity with lower priority pod (L), it is possible that scheduler may end up evicting L from the node in order to make space for H. If it happens then inter pod affinity will no longer be satisfied and H will not be scheduled on this node. This loop can continue and can have a negative impact on availability of services.
4. Preemption May Not Follow Strict Priority Order
Scheduler finds nodes with lower priority pods so it can run pending pod after eviction of lower priority pods. If it’s not feasible to run pending pod on the node with low priority pods then it may select a node with higher priority pod (priority of these pods may be higher than pod on other nodes but will be lower compared to pending pods).To run pending pod, scheduler attempts to select nodes with lowest priority pods but if it’s not possible to run pending pod on the node after eviction or those pods are protected by pod disruption budget then it will evict higher priority pods.Out of Resource Eviction
In over committed nodes, pods will be killed if the system runs out of resources. Kubelet proactively monitors compute resources for eviction. It supports eviction decisions based on incompressible resources, namely
Soft Eviction Threshold
If soft eviction threshold is reached then pods are evicted with grace period. Grace period is calculated as minimum of the pod termination grace period and soft eviction grace period. If soft eviction grace period is not specified then pods are killed immediately.Hard Eviction Threshold
If hard eviction threshold is reached then pods are evicted immediately without any grace period.Eviction Policy
In case of imagefs or nodefs pressure, it sorts pods based on the local volumes + logs + writable layers of all containers.In case of memory pressure, pods are sorted first based on whether their
memory usage exceeds their request or not, then by pod priority and then by consumption of memory relative to memory requests. Pods which don’t exceed memory requests are not evicted. A lower priority pod which doesn’t exceed memory request will not be evicted. Whereas, a higher priority pod which exceeds memory request will be evicted.
Node Out of Memory (OOM) Kill
In case a node experiences OOM behaviour prior to Kubelet being able to
reclaim memory, the node depends on oom_killer to respond.
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