selector {
property : value ;
where we have a selector (e.g. h1) and a declaration block ({}) where we declare our styles. In understanding CSS The biggest key player is understanding selectors and how they work, CSS selectors are what allows us to target specific Html Elements and apply styles in the declaration block to them, we won't be focusing on styles right now though, our focus would be on the selecting and what goes in that selector area
Let's get into it 👇
Selects everything
/* Selects all elements */
* {
color : black ;
The CSS universal selector is donated by an asterisk ✳. It selects all elements regardless of their type present on the page. In the example above all elements on the page will get the style of color: black;
assuming we don't have any more specific selectors that conflict with that.
/* Selects all img */
img {
width: 200px;
height: 100px ;
The Element
Selector Selects all instances of a tag or element present on the page, in our case, we would be giving all img
HTML elements on the page the specified width and height.
/* Selects all elements with class of 'blue' */
.blue {
border: blue 2px dotted ;
background-color: white;
color: blue;
The CSS class
selector is probably the most useful and versatile selector, it selects all elements that have given the class value
in their class
attribute. In the example above it will select all elements that have the "blue" value in their class
/* Selects the element with the id attribute set to '#header' */
#header {
border: blue 2px dotted ;
width: 200px;
height: 100px ;
Next, we have the ID
selector. ID selectors are the most powerful in terms of , just like the class
selector, it targets specific elements in our markup, that we can then reference in our CSS.
Note: The value of an element's
must be unique on a web page. It is a violation of the to use the value of an ID more than once in the same document tree. id selectors are rigid and don't allow for reuse
/* Selects all matching elements in the list */
span, div, p {
text-align: center;
color: rgb(0, 0, 0)
The CSS selector list
allows us to select multiple elements with different selectors at once and style them. You have more than one thing which uses the same CSS then the individual selectors can be combined into a selector list so that the rule is applied to all of the individual selectors. This is done by grouping them in a comma-separated list and CSS selects all the matching elements in the list
Note: When you group selectors in this way, if any selector is invalid the whole rule will be ignored.<h1><u> Combinator Selectors </u></h1> This final group of selectors combines other selectors in order to target elements within our documents
/* Selects all <a>'s that are nested inside an <ul> */
ul a{
text-decoration: none;
color: dodgerblue;
This selector
allows us to select elements that are descendants of some other selector.
we are selecting all
nested anywhere within an<ul>
, it doesn't have to be the first child or first descendant it can be anywhere nested inside theul
/* Selects only <p> tags that are immediately preceded by a <h1> */
h1 + p{
color: dark-grey;
The + combinator selects adjacent element siblings. It will select only the element that is immediately preceded by the former element. In this case, only the first paragraph after each will have dark-grey text.
This means that the second element must directly follow the first, and both share the same parent.
/* Selects all <h2> that are direct children of a <div> */
div > h2{
color: white;
The >
combinator acts more like the descendant combinator
expect that it is more particular and selects direct children of the parent element, in the Example: div > h2
will match all <h2>
elements that are nested directly inside of a <div>
Sorry grandchildren only children allowed 😋.With the
descendant combinator
we would select any nested child or grandchild of the parent element. But the child combinator>
selects only direct children.
a[href="//"] {
color: blue;
The snippet above will style all anchor tags which link to they'll receive the blue color. All other anchor tags will remain unaffected.
What if the link does indeed direct to Hashnode, but maybe the path is rather than the full URL?
a[href*="hashnode"] {
color: blue;
There we go. The star designates that the proceeding value must appear somewhere in the attribute's value
a[href^="http"] {
text-decoration: 1px solid blue;
padding-left: 10px;
the carat symbol ^
designates the beginning of a string. If we want to target all anchor tags that have an href which begins with http, we could use a selector similar to the snippet shown above.
a[href$=".jpg"] {
color: red;
the symbol $
refers to the end of a string. In this case, we're searching for all anchors which link to an image—or a URL that ends with .jpg.
In the next part of this series, we are going to talk about Pseudo Selectors, a big and widely confusing topic in CSS 🤔.
Enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it for you? 😍 . 😃
Thanks so much for reading! 💖 And keep on coding! 👨💻.