This object is called a node and first field of the node we often call head while the second field is pointing to the next node. The last node has a
reference to nil and we can call it tail. The number of nodes in a list is not fixed and can grow and shrink on demand. The content of the list must be data of the same type.
class Node
attr_accessor :data, :next_node
def initialize(data, next_node = nil)
@data = data
@next_node = next_node
Here we initialized value and we set next_node to default which is nil,
whenever we make an instance of the class we need to make it with argument value, so we can have that value and pointer to the next node.
class LinkedList
def initialize
@head = nil
# Function to add a node on the beginning
def add(data)
new_node =
new_node.next_node = @head
@head = new_node
def add_last(data)
new_node =
if @head.nil?
@head = new_node
tail = @head
while(tail.next_node != nil)
tail = tail.next_node
tail.next_node = new_node
Somebody is in a hurry he asked first three people to give him there spot in the row, the third person offered their spot, he/she is standing now on that spot where the third person was standing, the third person is the previous person that was standing there, he/she is now next of that person.To insert node on the desired position we can make things easier and write the helper method that will return the index of the element of the linked list. That method will be in this example like a worker who tells who is standing third in the row. Who is the third? Michael is third. This method looks like this :
def get_at(index)
counter = 0
node = @head
while node
if counter ===index
return node
node = node.next_node
return node
If we call this method we will get the desired element on provided
index, it's easy to understand, we made counter initialized on zero,
and while loop which will traverse throw elements until counter
becomes equal to desired index position, and node becomes nil, when
condition is fulfilled loop stops, then method returns node. After
this, we can proceed with writing function to insert a node in the
desired position.
def insert_at(data, index)
if @head.nil?
@head =
if index === 0
@head =,@head)
prev = get_at(index – 1)
new_node =
new_node.next_node = prev.next_node
prev.next_node= new_node
First if statement will add node if list is empty, I already explained it,
second if statement will work if we have only one node in the list,
it will add new data and that data will point to the head, else, to
add node in place of another node we initialize (new_node), new node
next needs to point to the next node of previous one, with that we
can move node that was in that place in front of new node and this
new node we need to put on that position, previous next node
(prev.next_node = new_node).