There are 2 workflows in this solution: one for images and one for videos. We won't focus on storage (DB type, schema, access patterns, etc) and IAM roles / policies / permissions at this time.
Let's start with images. When a user uploads an image to the images S3 bucket, we trigger a Lambda function that sends 2 requests to the Rekognition API: DetectLabels and DetectModerationLabels. In a few seconds we get responses with labels and moderation labels and print them. Then we can process the labels however we want and then put them in a database. Here's the code for that lambda:
import boto3
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
rekognition_client = boto3.client('rekognition')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# get S3 bucket name and object key from the event
bucket_name = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
object_key = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key']
# call Rekognition to detect labels
detect_labels_response = rekognition_client.detect_labels(
Image={'S3Object': {'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Name': object_key}},
labels = detect_labels_response['Labels']
# call Rekognition to detect moderation labels
detect_moderation_labels_response = rekognition_client.detect_moderation_labels(
Image={'S3Object': {'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Name': object_key}},
moderation_labels = detect_moderation_labels_response['ModerationLabels']
# we can now store the labels in a database, or take some other action
print('Labels:', labels)
print('Moderation labels:', moderation_labels)
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': 'OK',
For videos, the solution is a bit more complicated. Unlike images, videos take more time to be processed: detecting labels even in a short video can take minutes, so we don't want to keep the Lambda function running while the video is being processed. Because of that, Rekognition Video API has StartLabelDetection and StartModerationLabelDetection instead of DetectLabels and DetectModerationLabels as in Rekognition Image. Rekognition Video can be used with an SNS topic for notifications about processed videos, so the Lambda that is triggered on video uploads will just request video processing, provide the ARN of the SNS topic that we'll monitor for notifications, and then exit:
import boto3
import re
# Lambda execution role must have access to S3, Rekognition
# and IAM PassRole (on resource sns_topic_publisher_role_arn)
s3_client = boto3.client('s3')
rekognition_client = boto3.client('rekognition')
# SNS topic (and publisher IAM role) for notifications on completed Rekognition jobs
sns_topic_arn = 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:2:RekognitionVideoNotificationsTopic'
sns_topic_publisher_role_arn = 'arn:aws:iam::2:role/RekognitionVideoNotificationsTopicPublisherRole'
# regex used to normalize the object key for the client request token
client_request_token_symbols_to_skip = r'[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]'
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# get S3 bucket name and object key from the event
bucket_name = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
object_key = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key']
# normalize the object key for the client request token
client_request_token_obj_key = re.sub(client_request_token_symbols_to_skip, '_', object_key)
# call Rekognition to start a label detection job
start_label_detection_response = rekognition_client.start_label_detection(
Video={'S3Object': {'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Name': object_key}},
'RoleArn': sns_topic_publisher_role_arn,
'SNSTopicArn': sns_topic_arn,
ClientRequestToken='label_detection_' + client_request_token_obj_key, # unique request token to avoid duplicate jobs
label_detection_job_id = start_label_detection_response['JobId']
print(f'Started label detection job with ID {label_detection_job_id}')
# call Rekognition to start a moderation label detection job
start_content_moderation_response = rekognition_client.start_content_moderation(
Video={'S3Object': {'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Name': object_key}},
'RoleArn': sns_topic_publisher_role_arn,
'SNSTopicArn': sns_topic_arn,
ClientRequestToken='content_moderation_' + client_request_token_obj_key, # unique request token to avoid duplicate jobs
content_moderation_job_id = start_content_moderation_response['JobId']
print(f'Started content moderation job with ID {content_moderation_job_id}')
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': 'OK',
"JobId": "unique-job-id",
"Status": "SUCCEEDED",
"API": "StartLabelDetection",
"Timestamp": 45,
"Video": {
"S3ObjectName": "upload-12345.mp4",
"S3Bucket": "video-uploads-1234567890"
And for moderation labels it looks like this (API = StartContentModeration):
"JobId": "unique-job-id",
"Status": "SUCCEEDED",
"API": "StartContentModeration",
"Timestamp": 45,
"Video": {
"S3ObjectName": "upload-12345.mp4",
"S3Bucket": "video-uploads-1234567890"
To receive that message, we use another Lambda that is triggered on new publications in the SNS topic we provided when we called StartLabelDetection and StartContentModeration in the previous Lambda. After reading the JobId from the message we can use it with GetLabelDetection and GetContentModeration API to retrieve the actual labels and moderation labels from Rekognition:
import boto3
# requires access to Rekognition GetLabelDetection and GetContentModeration APIs
rekognition_client = boto3.client('rekognition')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# get SNS message from the event
msg = event['Records'][0]['Sns']['Message']
# get job id and API name from the message
job_id = msg['JobId']
rekognition_api = msg['API']
# call the appropriate Rekognition API to get the labels
if rekognition_api == 'StartLabelDetection':
response = rekognition_client.get_label_detection(JobId=job_id)
labels = response['Labels']
print('Labels:', labels) # we can store the labels in a database
elif rekognition_api == 'StartContentModeration':
response = rekognition_client.get_content_moderation(JobId=job_id)
moderation_labels = response['ModerationLabels']
print('Moderation Labels:', moderation_labels) # we can store the labels in a database
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': 'OK',