Action: Format code
Mac: ⌥⇧F
Windows: Alt + Shift + F
Action: Search in file
Mac: ⌘F
Windows: Ctrl + F
Action: Search in all files
Mac: ⇧⌘F
Windows: Ctrl + Shift + F
Action: Undo
Mac: ⌘Z
Windows: Ctrl + Z
Action: Redo
Mac: ⇧⌘Z
Windows: Ctrl+ Shift + Z
Action: Code completion*
Mac: ⌃ Space
Windows: Ctrl + Space
Action: Comment in/out
Mac: ⌘/
Windows: Windows + /
Action: Add cursor
Mac: ⌥ click
Windows: Alt + click
Action: Add cursor above
Mac: ⌥⌘↑
Windows: Alt + Ctrl + ↑
Action: Add cursor below
Mac: ⌥⌘↓
Windows: Alt + Ctrl + ↓
Action: Move line up
Mac: ⌥↑
Windows: Alt+↑
Action: Move line down
Mac: ⌥↓
Windows: Alt+↓
Action: Duplicate line down
Mac: ⌥⇧↓
Windows: Alt + Shift + ↓
Action: Duplicate line up
Mac: ⌥⇧↑
Windows: Alt + Shift + ↑
Action: Create/extend a vertical non-contiguous selection
Mac: ⌥⇧ click
Windows: Alt + Shift + click
* Note:
In some Mac operating systems, ⌃ + Space is the keyboard shortcut to switch keyboard languages. Consult the Mac documentation to learn how to assign a different shortcut to that action so it doesn't conflict with the Velo action.
Action: Find next
Mac: ⌘G
Windows: F3
Action: Find previous
Mac: ⇧⌘G
Windows: Shift + F3
Action: Replace
Mac: ⇧⌘1
Windows: Ctrl + Shift + 1
Action: Replace all
Mac: ⌥⌘⏎
Windows: Ctrl + Alt + Enter
Action: Match case
Mac: ⌥⌘C
Windows: Alt + C
Action: Match whole word
Mac: ⌥⌘W
Windows: Alt + W
Action: Use regular expression
Mac: ⌥⌘R
Windows: Alt + R
Previously published at