As this exchange of data becomes normalized (thanks to the prevalence of social media platforms), internet users all around the world are growing increasingly accustomed to the practice of sharing extremely sensitive information online - all of which helps paint a shockingly accurate picture of an individual, down to their likes, dislikes, political and religious beliefs, etc.Usually, all of this highly valuable (and sensitive) data is protected by a password or some other authentication method . A buzzing user authorization trend that has the entire cybersecurity world in awe these days is identity verification through biometric technology. Bearing witness to the prevalence of biometric technology is the fact that it has slowly become a staple in authorization practices all over the globe- from phones unlocking with a fingerprint, to national identity cards being issued with a biometric stamp, biometric authentication is everywhere!Unfortunately, however, due to the propagation of poorly fleshed-out facts and figures, most individuals see biometric identity as this messiah-like deity that can do absolutely no wrong to the millions of users who rely on the tech. As idealistic as it might be, thinking of biometric authentication as the one-stop solution to all authentication problems is a pretty limited way of thinking, that does more harm than good. Before we can get into informing our readers about the vulnerabilities present in the biometric technology, let’s have a brief rundown of what biometric technology is, along with the multiple benefits it has to offer to users.
As the name suggests, biometric technology is rooted in biometrics, which refers to an identifiable data set specific to a particular individual only.
The most common branches of biometric technology in the modern world - biometric identification and authentication - rely on biometrics to determine whether the individual should be granted access or not.Or in other words, if the individual is who he or she says they are. Taking into consideration, other authentication methods such as passwords and pins, the advantages offered by biometric technology make it clear why the tech is creating such a big buzz in the IT world.
1. Convenience
One of the most significant benefits of integrating the use of biometrics in authentication is that it makes the process of determining whether or not access should be granted to an individual highly convenient and efficient since it doesn’t rely on users to remember any passwords or codes.2. Speeds up the process of user authorization
With the rise in popularity of authentication methods such as 2FA () and Multi-factor authentication, biometric verification provides a quicker alternative and speeds up the process of user authentication. A real-life example of this is how use biometric identification, which enables them to speed up lines.3. Eliminates the need for passwords
As we’ve already mentioned above, the introduction of biometric identification makes the use of passwords redundant. It effectively removes the need for users to remember complex passwords or pins. Not only does this save time, but it also adds another level of security to the authentication process.4. Has widespread applications
An aspect of biometric technology that gives it an edge over other authentication alternatives is that it can be used in a variety of industries and has ubiquitous applications. Banks, hospitals use biometric verification, and airports- all of which perform extremely different functions, but inherently rely on the security offered by biometric verification. In addition to the advantages listed above, owing to the recent advancements in biometrics, biometric verification is growing increasingly accurate and sophisticated. A perfect example of this is seen in Apple’s facial recognition technology seen in the iPhone X, which has a probability of one in a million to mistake one identity for another. Additionally, it is through the use of biometric authorization methods that many enterprises, businesses, governments, and industries have been able to leverage the advantages offered by biometrics to secure processes that weren’t safe before. Furthermore, biometric technology has also been used in marketing campaigns in an attempt to better analyze, and if possible, alter consumer behavior.Usually, these added layers of protection can arise from the integration of multi-factor authentication, or through the implementation of a security framework that sets certain boundaries for what can and can’t be accomplished with biometrics. In addition to serving as a stark reminder of the loopholes present in the biometric verification system, setting a clear cut security framework can actually help users achieve better internet privacy, amidst a security landscape full of external and internal threats.
Either way, enterprises, and individuals need to realize the limits of the biometric tech, and set out security goals that mirror these limitations.