import torchvision.models as models
inception = models.inception_v3(pretrained=
from keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3
base_model = InceptionV3(weights='imagenet', include_top=False)
It seems like using these pre-trained models have become a new standard for industry best practices. After all, why wouldn’t you take advantage of a model that’s been trained on more data and compute than you could ever muster by yourself?
But are these benchmarks reproducible?
The article that inspired this post came from , a computer science PhD candidate at MIT.
His article ‘’ made several interesting claims —
architectures perform better in PyTorch and inception architectures perform better in Keras2. The on cannot be reproduced, even when exactly copying the example code. In fact, their reported accuracies (as of Feb. 2019) are usually higher than the actual accuracies (citing and )3. Some pre-trained Keras models yield inconsistent or lower accuracies when deployed on a server () or run in sequence with other Keras models ()4. Keras models using batch normalization can be unreliable. For some models, forward-pass evaluations (with gradients supposedly off) still result in weights changing at inference time. (See )
You might be wondering:
How is that possible?
Aren’t these the same model and shouldn’t they have the same performance if trained with the same conditions?
Well, you’re not alone. Curtis’ article also sparked some reactions on Twitter:
1. How similar is your task? How similar is your data?
Are you expecting that cited 0.945% validation accuracy for the Keras Xception model you’re using with your new dataset of x-rays? First, you need to check how similar your data is to the original dataset that the model was trained on (in this case: ImageNet). You also need to be aware of where the features have been transferred from (the bottom, middle, or top of the network) because that will impact model performance depending on task similarity.Read and ‘’2. How did you preprocess the data?
Your model’s pre-processing should be the same as the original model’s training. With almost all torchvision models, they use the same pre-processing values. For , you should always use the
function for the corresponding model-level module. For example:# VGG16
# InceptionV3
3. What’s your backend?
There were that changing the Keras’ backend from Tensorflow to CNTK (Microsoft Cognitive toolkit) improved the performance. Since Keras is a model-level library, it does not handle lower-level operations such as tensor products, convolutions, etc… so it relies on like the TensorFlow backend and the Theano backend.Max Woolf provided that found that while accuracy was the same between CNTK and Tensorflow, CNTK was faster at LSTMs and Multilayer Perceptions (MLPs) while Tensorflow was faster at CNNs and embeddings.Woolf’s post is from 2017, so It’d be interesting to get an updated comparison that also includes Theano and (although Theano is now deprecated).There are also some claims that there are certain versions of Theano that may ignore your seed (for a relevant post form Keras, see )
4. What’s your hardware?
Are you using an Amazon EC2 NVIDIA Tesla K80 or a Google Compute NVIDIA Tesla P100? Maybe even a TPU? 😜 Check out these useful benchmark resources for run times for these different pretrained models.5. What’s your learning rate?
In practice, you should either keep the pre-trained parameters fixed (ie. use the pre-trained models as feature extractors) as or tune them with a fairly small learning in order to not unlearn everything in the original model.6. Is there a difference in how you use optimizations like batch normalization or dropout, especially between training mode and inference mode?
As Curtis’ post claims:Keras models using batch normalization can be unreliable. For some models, forward-pass evaluations (with gradients supposedly off) still result in weights changing at inference time. (See )
But why is this the case?
According to Vasilis Vryniotis, Principal Data Scientist at Expedia, who first identified the issue with the frozen batch normalization layer in Keras (see Vasilis’ PR and detailed blog post ):The problem with the current implementation of Keras is that when a batch normalization (BN) layer is frozen, it continues to use the mini-batch statistics during training. I believe a better approach when the BN is frozen is to use the moving mean and variance that it learned during training. Why? For the same reasons why the mini-batch statistics should not be updated when the layer is frozen: it can lead to poor results because the next layers are not trained properly.Vasilis also cited instances where this discrepancy led to significant drops in model performance (“from 100% down to 50% accuracy) when the Keras model is switched from train mode to test mode.Use these questions to guide how you interact with pre-trained models for your next project.