This post was written by Michael Nguyen, Machine Learning Research Engineer at . AssemblyAI uses Comet to log, visualize, and understand their model development pipeline.
Deep Learning has changed the game in speech recognition with the introduction of end-to-end models. These models take in audio, and directly output transcriptions. Two of the most popular end-to-end models today are Deep Speech by Baidu, and Listen Attend Spell (LAS) by Google. Both Deep Speech and LAS, are recurrent neural network (RNN) based architectures with different approaches to modeling speech recognition. Deep Speech uses the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss function to predict the speech transcript. LAS uses a sequence to sequence network architecture for its predictions.These models simplified speech recognition pipelines by taking advantage of the capacity of deep learning system to learn from large datasets. With enough data, you should, in theory, be able to build a super robust speech recognition model that can account for all the nuance in speech without having to spend a ton of time and effort hand engineering acoustic features or dealing with complex pipelines in more old-school GMM-HMM model architectures, for example.Deep learning is a fast-moving field, and Deep Speech and LAS style architectures are already quickly becoming outdated. You can read about where the industry is moving in the Latest Advancement Section below.Preparing the data pipeline
Data is one of the most important aspects of speech recognition. We’ll take raw audio waves and transform them into Mel Spectrograms.For handling the audio data, we are going to use an extremely useful utility called torchaudio which is a library built by the PyTorch team specifically for audio data. We’ll be training on a subset of , which is a corpus of read English speech data derived from audiobooks, comprising 100 hours of transcribed audio data. You can easily download this dataset using torchaudio:
import torchaudio train_dataset = torchaudio.datasets.LIBRISPEECH("./", url="train-clean-100", download=True)
test_dataset = torchaudio.datasets.LIBRISPEECH("./", url="test-clean", download=True)
Data Augmentation – SpecAugment
Data augmentation is a technique used to artificially increase the diversity of your dataset in order to increase your dataset size. This strategy is especially helpful when data is scarce or if your model is overfitting. For speech recognition, you can do the standard augmentation techniques, like changing the pitch, speed, injecting noise, and adding reverb to your audio data.We found Spectrogram Augmentation (SpecAugment), to be a much simpler and more effective approach. SpecAugment, was first introduced in the paper , in which the authors found that simply cutting out random blocks of consecutive time and frequency dimensions improved the models generalization abilities significantly!In PyTorch, you can use the torchaudio function FrequencyMasking to mask out the frequency dimension, and TimeMasking for the time dimension.
class TextTransform:
"""Maps characters to integers and vice versa"""
def __init__(self):
char_map_str = """
' 0
a 2
b 3
c 4
d 5
e 6
f 7
g 8
h 9
i 10
j 11
k 12
l 13
m 14
n 15
o 16
p 17
q 18
r 19
s 20
t 21
u 22
v 23
w 24
x 25
y 26
z 27
self.char_map = {}
self.index_map = {}
for line in char_map_str.strip().split('\n'):
ch, index = line.split()
self.char_map[ch] = int(index)
self.index_map[int(index)] = ch
self.index_map[1] = ' '
def text_to_int(self, text):
""" Use a character map and convert text to an integer sequence """
int_sequence = []
for c in text:
if c == ' ':
ch = self.char_map['']
ch = self.char_map[c]
return int_sequence
def int_to_text(self, labels):
""" Use a character map and convert integer labels to an text sequence """
string = []
for i in labels:
return ''.join(string).replace('', ' ')
train_audio_transforms = nn.Sequential(
torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram(sample_rate=16000, n_mels=128),
valid_audio_transforms = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram()
text_transform = TextTransform()
def data_processing(data, data_type="train"):
spectrograms = []
labels = []
input_lengths = []
label_lengths = []
for (waveform, _, utterance, _, _, _) in data:
if data_type == 'train':
spec = train_audio_transforms(waveform).squeeze(0).transpose(0, 1)
spec = valid_audio_transforms(waveform).squeeze(0).transpose(0, 1)
label = torch.Tensor(text_transform.text_to_int(utterance.lower()))
spectrograms = nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(spectrograms, batch_first=True).unsqueeze(1).transpose(2, 3)
labels = nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(labels, batch_first=True)
return spectrograms, labels, input_lengths, label_lengths
class CNNLayerNorm(nn.Module):
"""Layer normalization built for cnns input"""
def __init__(self, n_feats):
super(CNNLayerNorm, self).__init__()
self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(n_feats)
def forward(self, x):
# x (batch, channel, feature, time)
x = x.transpose(2, 3).contiguous() # (batch, channel, time, feature)
x = self.layer_norm(x)
return x.transpose(2, 3).contiguous() # (batch, channel, feature, time)
class ResidualCNN(nn.Module):
"""Residual CNN inspired by //
except with layer norm instead of batch norm
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel, stride, dropout, n_feats):
super(ResidualCNN, self).__init__()
self.cnn1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel, stride, padding=kernel//2)
self.cnn2 = nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel, stride, padding=kernel//2)
self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(dropout)
self.layer_norm1 = CNNLayerNorm(n_feats)
self.layer_norm2 = CNNLayerNorm(n_feats)
def forward(self, x):
residual = x # (batch, channel, feature, time)
x = self.layer_norm1(x)
x = F.gelu(x)
x = self.dropout1(x)
x = self.cnn1(x)
x = self.layer_norm2(x)
x = F.gelu(x)
x = self.dropout2(x)
x = self.cnn2(x)
x += residual
return x # (batch, channel, feature, time)
class BidirectionalGRU(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, rnn_dim, hidden_size, dropout, batch_first):
super(BidirectionalGRU, self).__init__()
self.BiGRU = nn.GRU(
input_size=rnn_dim, hidden_size=hidden_size,
num_layers=1, batch_first=batch_first, bidirectional=True)
self.layer_norm = nn.LayerNorm(rnn_dim)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.layer_norm(x)
x = F.gelu(x)
x, _ = self.BiGRU(x)
x = self.dropout(x)
return x
class SpeechRecognitionModel(nn.Module):
"""Speech Recognition Model Inspired by DeepSpeech 2"""
def __init__(self, n_cnn_layers, n_rnn_layers, rnn_dim, n_class, n_feats, stride=2, dropout=0.1):
super(SpeechRecognitionModel, self).__init__()
n_feats = n_feats//2
self.cnn = nn.Conv2d(1, 32, 3, stride=stride, padding=3//2) # cnn for extracting heirachal features
# n residual cnn layers with filter size of 32
self.rescnn_layers = nn.Sequential(*[
ResidualCNN(32, 32, kernel=3, stride=1, dropout=dropout, n_feats=n_feats)
for _ in range(n_cnn_layers)
self.fully_connected = nn.Linear(n_feats*32, rnn_dim)
self.birnn_layers = nn.Sequential(*[
BidirectionalGRU(rnn_dim=rnn_dim if i==0 else rnn_dim*2,
hidden_size=rnn_dim, dropout=dropout, batch_first=i==0)
for i in range(n_rnn_layers)
self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(rnn_dim*2, rnn_dim), # birnn returns rnn_dim*2
nn.Linear(rnn_dim, n_class)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.cnn(x)
x = self.rescnn_layers(x)
sizes = x.size()
x = x.view(sizes[0], sizes[1] * sizes[2], sizes[3]) # (batch, feature, time)
x = x.transpose(1, 2) # (batch, time, feature)
x = self.fully_connected(x)
x = self.birnn_layers(x)
x = self.classifier(x)
return x
For our model, we’ll be using AdamW with the One Cycle Learning Rate Scheduler. Adam is a widely used optimizer that helps your model converge more quickly, therefore, saving compute time, but has been notorious for not generalizing as well as Stochastic Gradient Descent AKA SGD.
AdamW was first introduced in , and is considered a “fix” to Adam. The paper pointed out that the original Adam algorithm has a wrong implementation of weight decay, which AdamW attempts to fix. This fix helps with Adam‘s generalization problem.
The One Cycle Learning Rate Scheduler was first introduced in the paper . This paper shows that you can train neural networks an order of magnitude faster, while keeping their generalizable abilities, using a simple trick.
You start with a low learning rate, which warms up to a large maximum learning rate, then decays linearly to the same point of where you originally started.optimizer = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), hparams['learning_rate'])
scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR(optimizer,
criterion = nn.CTCLoss(blank=28).to(device)
def GreedyDecoder(output, labels, label_lengths, blank_label=28, collapse_repeated=True):
arg_maxes = torch.argmax(output, dim=2)
decodes = []
targets = []
for i, args in enumerate(arg_maxes):
decode = []
for j, index in enumerate(args):
if index != blank_label:
if collapse_repeated and j != 0 and index == args[j -1]:
return decodes, targets
# initialize experiment object
experiment = Experiment(api_key=comet_api_key, project_name=project_name)
# track metrics
experiment.log_metric('loss', loss.item())
class IterMeter(object):
"""keeps track of total iterations"""
def __init__(self):
self.val = 0
def step(self):
self.val += 1
def get(self):
return self.val
def train(model, device, train_loader, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, epoch, iter_meter, experiment):
data_len = len(train_loader.dataset)
with experiment.train():
for batch_idx, _data in enumerate(train_loader):
spectrograms, labels, input_lengths, label_lengths = _data
spectrograms, labels =,
output = model(spectrograms) # (batch, time, n_class)
output = F.log_softmax(output, dim=2)
output = output.transpose(0, 1) # (time, batch, n_class)
loss = criterion(output, labels, input_lengths, label_lengths)
experiment.log_metric('loss', loss.item(), step=iter_meter.get())
experiment.log_metric('learning_rate', scheduler.get_lr(), step=iter_meter.get())
if batch_idx % 100 == 0 or batch_idx == data_len:
print('Train Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\tLoss: {:.6f}'.format(
epoch, batch_idx * len(spectrograms), data_len,
100. * batch_idx / len(train_loader), loss.item()))
def test(model, device, test_loader, criterion, epoch, iter_meter, experiment):
test_loss = 0
test_cer, test_wer = [], []
with experiment.test():
with torch.no_grad():
for I, _data in enumerate(test_loader):
spectrograms, labels, input_lengths, label_lengths = _data
spectrograms, labels =,
output = model(spectrograms) # (batch, time, n_class)
output = F.log_softmax(output, dim=2)
output = output.transpose(0, 1) # (time, batch, n_class)
loss = criterion(output, labels, input_lengths, label_lengths)
test_loss += loss.item() / len(test_loader)
decoded_preds, decoded_targets = GreedyDecoder(output.transpose(0, 1), labels, label_lengths)
for j in range(len(decoded_preds)):
test_cer.append(cer(decoded_targets[j], decoded_preds[j]))
test_wer.append(wer(decoded_targets[j], decoded_preds[j]))
avg_cer = sum(test_cer)/len(test_cer)
avg_wer = sum(test_wer)/len(test_wer)
experiment.log_metric('test_loss', test_loss, step=iter_meter.get())
experiment.log_metric('cer', avg_cer, step=iter_meter.get())
experiment.log_metric('wer', avg_wer, step=iter_meter.get())
print('Test set: Average loss: {:.4f}, Average CER: {:4f} Average WER: {:.4f}\n'.format(test_loss, avg_cer, avg_wer))
def main(learning_rate=5e-4, batch_size=20, epochs=10,
train_url="train-clean-100", test_url="test-clean",
experiment=Experiment(api_key='dummy_key', disabled=True)):
hparams = {
"n_cnn_layers": 3,
"n_rnn_layers": 5,
"rnn_dim": 512,
"n_class": 29,
"n_feats": 128,
"stride": 2,
"dropout": 0.1,
"learning_rate": learning_rate,
"batch_size": batch_size,
"epochs": epochs
use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu")
if not os.path.isdir("./data"):
train_dataset = torchaudio.datasets.LIBRISPEECH("./data", url=train_url, download=True)
test_dataset = torchaudio.datasets.LIBRISPEECH("./data", url=test_url, download=True)
kwargs = {'num_workers': 1, 'pin_memory': True} if use_cuda else {}
train_loader = data.DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset,
collate_fn=lambda x: data_processing(x, 'train'),
test_loader = data.DataLoader(dataset=test_dataset,
collate_fn=lambda x: data_processing(x, 'valid'),
model = SpeechRecognitionModel(
hparams['n_cnn_layers'], hparams['n_rnn_layers'], hparams['rnn_dim'],
hparams['n_class'], hparams['n_feats'], hparams['stride'], hparams['dropout']
print('Num Model Parameters', sum([param.nelement() for param in model.parameters()]))
optimizer = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), hparams['learning_rate'])
criterion = nn.CTCLoss(blank=28).to(device)
scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR(optimizer, max_lr=hparams['learning_rate'],
iter_meter = IterMeter()
for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):
train(model, device, train_loader, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, epoch, iter_meter, experiment)
test(model, device, test_loader, criterion, epoch, iter_meter, experiment)
The train function trains the model on a full epoch of data. The test function evaluates the model on test data after every epoch. It gets the test_loss as well as the cer and wer of the model. You can start running the training script right now with GPU support in the .
Transformers have taken the Natural Language Processing world by storm! First Introduced in the paper , transformers have been taking and modified to beat pretty much all existing NLP task dethroning RNN’s type architectures. The Transformer’s ability to see the full context of sequence data is transferable to speech as well.Unsupervised Pre-training
If you follow deep learning closely you’ve probably heard of BERT, GPT, and GPT2. These Transformer models have first pertained on a language modeling task with unlabeled text data, and fine-tuned on a wide array of NLP task and get state of the art results! During pre-training, the model learns something fundamental on the statistics of language and uses that power to excel at other tasks. We believe this technique has great promises on speech data as well.Word Piece Models
Our model defined above output characters. Some benefits to that are the model doesn’t have to worry about out of vocabulary words when running inference on speech. So for the word c h a t each character has is its own label. The downside to using characters are inefficiency and the model being prone to more errors because you’re predicting one character at a time.
Using the whole word as labels have been explored, to some degree of success. Using this method, the entire word chat would be the label. But using whole words, you would have to keep an index of all possible vocabularies to make a prediction, which is memory inefficient with the possibility of running into out of vocabulary words during prediction. The sweet spot would be using word piece or sub-word units as labels.
Instead of characters for the individual label, you can chop up the words into sub-word units, and use those as labels, i.e. ch at. This solves the out of vocabulary issue, and is much more efficient, as it needs fewer steps to decode then using characters, and without the need to have an index of all possible words. Word pieces have been used successfully with many NLP models, like BERT and would work natural with speech recognition problems as well.
Previously published at