“I prepared a model by selecting all the features and I got an accuracy of around 65% which is not good for a predictive model and after doing some feature selection and feature engineering without doing any logical changes in my model code my accuracy jumped to 81% which is quite impressive”- By.In this article, you will learn how to automatically select important features by using an open-source python package called featurewiz.
SULOV means Searching for Uncorrelated List of Variables. The algorithm works in the following steps.
(b) Recursive XGBoost
After selecting the features with less correlation and high mutual information score, the Recursive XGBoost is used to find the best features among the remaining features. Here is how it works.
pip install featurewiz
# import packages
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from featurewiz import featurewiz
data = pd.read_csv('../data/train.csv')
X = data.drop(['price_range'],axis=1)
y = data.price_range.values
X_scaled = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)
X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(X_scaled,y,test_size = 0.2,stratify=y, random_state=1)
Create and train the RandoForestclassifier on the train set.
classifier = RandomForestClassifier(),y_train)
# make prediction
preds = classifier.predict(X_valid)
# check performance
The model accuracy is 88% when we use all 20 features available in the dataset.
Now you can use Featurewiz to automatically select the best set of features that will give the best model performance.# automatic feature selection by using featurewiz package
target = 'price_range'
features, train = featurewiz(data, target, corr_limit=0.7, verbose=2, sep=",",
header=0,test_data="", feature_engg="", category_encoders="")
Skipping feature engineering since no feature_engg input...
Skipping category encoding since no category encoders specified in input...
Loading train data...
Shape of your Data Set loaded: (2000, 21)
Loading test data...
Filename is an empty string or file not able to be loaded
############## C L A S S I F Y I N G V A R I A B L E S ####################
Classifying variables in data set...
20 Predictors classified...
No variables removed since no ID or low-information variables found in data set
No GPU active on this device
Running XGBoost using CPU parameters
Removing 0 columns from further processing since ID or low information variables
columns removed: []
After removing redundant variables from further processing, features left = 20
#### Single_Label Multi_Classification Feature Selection Started ####
Searching for highly correlated variables from 20 variables using SULOV method
##### SULOV : Searching for Uncorrelated List Of Variables (takes time...) ############
No highly correlated variables in data set to remove. All selected...
Adding 0 categorical variables to reduced numeric variables of 20
############## F E A T U R E S E L E C T I O N ####################
Current number of predictors = 20
Finding Important Features using Boosted Trees algorithm...
using 20 variables...
using 16 variables...
using 12 variables...
using 8 variables...
using 4 variables...
Selected 16 important features from your dataset
Time taken (in seconds) = 19
Returning list of 16 important features and dataframe.
#split data into feature and target
X_new = train.drop(['price_range'],axis=1)
y = train.price_range.values
# preprocessing the features
X_scaled = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X_new)
#split data into train and validate
X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(X_scaled,y,test_size = 0.2,stratify=y, random_state=1)
# create and train classifier
classifier = RandomForestClassifier(),y_train)
# make prediction
preds = classifier.predict(X_valid)
# check performance
The model accuracy has increased from 88% to 90.5% when we use the best-selected features (16 out of 20 features) from the dataset.
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